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The REAL America still exists - I saw it for myself.

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posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Well, Mr. is the truth about mankind. Doesn't matter which country you are talking about, at the base level people are good. They seek to help others in time of need and will do as these people did, which was to put aside their daily routine to come together and find these girls.

However, whenever we read or hear about groups crying racism, the Black Lives Matter crap, the 99 percenters, or any other mob mentality movement that is out there, it is because of outside intervention. The so-called leaders in the community who benefit by stirring up social outrage and divisive, hate filled anti-social behavior. These people think they are in the right because the likes of Jesse Jackson, Louis Farakan, or Al Sharpton tells them they are being discriminated against or are being subordinated by another group. They do not seem to realize they are pawns and being used by these racists. Jackson and the like have made a lot of money off of these causes, stirring up the masses by convincing normally good intelligent people they should be angry at the world. That anger evolves into criminal behavior which perpetuates the biases so-called leaders claim is there to begin with. And so it goes....

The media is complicit in this as well. They consider it a good story and do what they can to stir it up so they can continue to write about it and sell stories. In essence it is the same thing. If they can convince the Black community they are being discriminated against there is more rioting, looting, destruction in communities which makes for good stories that sell. And so it goes....

Liberal politicians are complicit as well. If they can convince potential voters they are being subordinated by another group and that if the politician get the vote things will be fixed in their favor. However there are several problems with that solution. First, the solution is never a universal solution. It usually means taking from one group and giving it to the other. Second, it causes divisive feelings between groups, and is never one that benefits all. They stir these people up and in some cases causes social outrage and perpetuates violence, rioting, looting, and anything but improved relations. The politicians hardly ever will come right out and advocates this result and amazingly act surprised when it happens but then will blame their opposition, which makes things worse. And so it goes....

Until we, the people, realize we are being played by politicians and these self-appointed leaders of racial groups, nothing will change. Until we get it out of our collective heads that government can solve our problems and take control of our own lives this nonsense will continue. Government can't solve its own problems, let alone mine. Or yours. It is easy to solve a problem by throwing money at it but we, as a society, just cannot seem to comprehend that if you throw money at one groups problem, another group is going to have to pay for it. That solves nothing. And in fact causes more problems than it solves.

America is starting to wake up. The fact that the three Republican candidates with no government experience are among the leaders in the polls for that party's nomination should be enough to let Washington know we are fed up. Members of Congress or the Senate are not necessarily good leaders. Governors are better since they actually have led something. But Senators and members of the House are basically ideas people. If you have ever worked in a large organization you know that to get labeled an "ideas man" is not complimentary. It means you can think of things but cannot do the hard part, figure out how to implement an idea. That takes complex thought and an understanding of a lot of business and organizational disciplines. I wish I could have spent my whole career sitting around thinking of things other people should do. What an easy job that would be. And yet we elected one of those guys to the highest office in the land and are surprised at what we got.

So, to get back to the original point....people as a whole are good, big hearted people who will, at the drop of a hat, go to the ends of the earth to help people in need. It is when government intervenes that that instinct gets turned upside down and we turn on one another. The only way this will stop is for normal citizens to step up and take control of our country again.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: icewater

I couldn't agree more. So many of today's "issues" are nothing more than stirring the pot of hatred for the benefit or detriment of one group or another. What we fail to do is stop and think of each other as just people trying to get by in a hard economic environment with government providing little to no leadership. We aren't seeing things getting better and that scares people.

Getting to see the best in people was very uplifting for me.
In fact, the wife and I were invited over to dinner last night at a fellow searchers.
Those 2 little girls have no idea how much they helped raise my spirits along with more than a few others.
Sorry for the scary night in the woods girls but they did me a world of good.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

That's the difference between Rural America and Urban America.

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Why must something urgent needs to happen before people talk to each other, why not say good morning to a complete stranger passing each other. I know we have it all in ourselves to be kind to strangers but it is as if somewhere on the timeline something got broken.

An example is New York City...from what I am told, because I've never been there... If somebody lies on the street people step over that person because they do not want to get involved. People avoid eye contact sitting in the bus or other public transportation.

Then 911 happened and all of a sudden people flock together and start talking to eachother and helping where they can...

How can we cure this apathy in relaxed, normal and quiet situations?

edit on 9/9/2015 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 12:11 PM
Small town anywhere has a different viewpoint on trouble. If it effects one of us it effects us all. Instead of relying on the government to mess things up they take the matter in hand and work on the issue. That portion of humanity seems to be missing from the big city lifestyle. Real concern is not a sound bite its action. Police coming in to use off time to help isn't unusual to occur it's just unusual to be reported.
Good to hear they were found OK.

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