posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:09 AM
ROTFL, that would have been a funny picture XD
We have one that comes through our backyard & proceeds to spray the neighborhood nearly every night. I imagine one of the outdoor cats or some such
earns the honor. A strong odor for sure, though I seem to be the one with the teflon nose who doesn't find it bothersome. Strong, yes, oh yes indeed,
but no one can figure out why it doesn't evoke a negative reaction (physical or otherwise) like everyone else. Actually, neither can I, aside from
the obvious general smell tolerance variations between people. Though I'd seen them in the flesh before growing up in Florida, I'd never smelled one's
stank before until we moved up north here. I was surprised, it's not nearly as bad as I expected. Part of me wonders if everyone has blown how bad the
smell is out of proportion...