posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to:
Cav i'd have to somewhat disagree.
I'd say that factor as well as our love of guns and even a population of kids that seriously play shooters and are forced to take chemistry in HS all
create a situation where if Americans had to go "Taliban" it would be impossible to control America
I also think they know this.
And IF, IF they managed to land an invasion, considering that they know this and they are invading the ONLY country that would ever enforce any form
of rules of engagement or war crimes, those things would go straight out the window and the manner of dealing with it would be WW2 style brutal,
roundup and exterminate, if it's a problem area burn it.
In other words if the Chinese land and the "wolverines" take to the woods they will burn down 300 sq miles of woods with no regards whatsoever for
mother nature. if the inner city rises we'll be the natives and they will drop food with small pox or some equivalent
What they wont do is fight fair, what they wont do is get Vietnam or Iraq about it and "police" situations, what they will do is act like we and
others did in wars of the past, set up concentration camps, level cities they feel need leveling, use devices that have zero regards for civilian
casualties, drop germs, execute people as examples, eliminate any infrastructure on the way in, burn food sources.
If as example they somehow managed to land in southern Cali, they wont try to "take" LA they will "Dresden" it and move on, the public mentality is a
lot more like who we used to be in a conflict, ra, ra go China is what the folks at home will say even if they disagree. I don't think having skills
alone will matter when those 21 Million people are separate by geography, have families to look out for and aren't organized into an actual army, not
as much today as we like to think.