I would like to see her going to jail. But chances are very slim she will ever see the inside of a jail. The best we can hope for is this situation
will ruin her political career. Then perhaps we won't see a Hillary or Bill in the news ever again.
a reply to: Realtruth
As much as I'd like to see it happen, I doubt if it will. They have an amazing way of getting out of trouble. If the universe was kind, this is what
would come to pass:
So… Hillary should go to jail, but people who really screwed up big time causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands or committed treason… let's
just exercise revisionist history (Bush Jr., Cheney, Reagan, her husband or Bush Sr. - both for war crimes)? Yeah whatever.
Also...yes. She should. Using your logic we should let all small time law breakers off because someone else did something (supposedly) worse. Right?
One guy beats up his wife? It's okay. At least he didn't kill her like that other guy did.