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FOX News: Transgender girl drops class after 200 protest for and against her.

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posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: boncho Hypothetically, if you were a transgendered wizard, could you magic wand away your wand? Appendagus Disappearus?

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Domo1

So can I tell the lady at work who now has us wearing unscented deodorant that her discomfort is meaningless? And since more of us don't mind regular deodorant tough deal for her?

That's the crux of the issue, one person's discomfort over a group's discomfort.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: Domo1

And the locker room isn't supposed to be some kind of party where everyone dances around nude and gives high fives.

again. agreed 100%
those things do happen though.

i remember dudes doing the towel snapping on other dudes bare asses.

the 2nd and last time i got changed one jocko dude pointed at my unit and made fun of the size(even though it was a monster:up

made me feel bad so i took a zero for the remainder

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: phishfriar47
How has everyone in this thread missed the part where the tranny already had a private facility where she could be comfortable, the males could be comfortable, and the females were all comfortable?

Tranny is an insulting slang word.

Lila by law has the right to use the girls locker room.

She can not be forced to use a gender-neutral separate room.

are you trans?
then why be offended

and no, lila does not have the right by any law

you are saying there is a law protecting 1, but not the other 200?
i dont think so

No, I'm not.

Why am I offended? I take treating people equally very, very seriously.

I was 5 when my mom became a polio victim in 1951. The Disability Act was not signed until 1990 . That's 39 years growing up with being treated as a freak. Denied entrance to businesses. Kicked out of restaurants for making other customers uncomfortable. Being denied insurance, credit, etc etc etc.

If you think people are sympathetic to the disabled without being forced - - - think again.

fantastic story.
i take 200 people being made to feel uncomfortable because of 1 person who has other options very serious
my mom does not have polio

none of that really has anything at all to do with kids at that age having to be made to be nude around a person with the opposite sexual organs as them.
not a thing
we are not talking about entrance to a business. we are talking about a school locker room.
very different things

Fantastic story?

So, you're saying I made it up?

Equal treatment is equal treatment.

A transgender male to female - - is a female. Her brain knows she's female. This countries already done "Separate but Equal".

Are you raising a teen?

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: Mugly

Many people get upset when other people call certain people (especially friends and family relatives too) names like fags and tranny even if they're not directed at them.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: phishfriar47
How has everyone in this thread missed the part where the tranny already had a private facility where she could be comfortable, the males could be comfortable, and the females were all comfortable?

Tranny is an insulting slang word.

Lila by law has the right to use the girls locker room.

She can not be forced to use a gender-neutral separate room.

are you trans?
then why be offended

and no, lila does not have the right by any law

you are saying there is a law protecting 1, but not the other 200?
i dont think so

No, I'm not.

Why am I offended? I take treating people equally very, very seriously.

I was 5 when my mom became a polio victim in 1951. The Disability Act was not signed until 1990 . That's 39 years growing up with being treated as a freak. Denied entrance to businesses. Kicked out of restaurants for making other customers uncomfortable. Being denied insurance, credit, etc etc etc.

If you think people are sympathetic to the disabled without being forced - - - think again.

fantastic story.
i take 200 people being made to feel uncomfortable because of 1 person who has other options very serious
my mom does not have polio

none of that really has anything at all to do with kids at that age having to be made to be nude around a person with the opposite sexual organs as them.
not a thing
we are not talking about entrance to a business. we are talking about a school locker room.
very different things

Fantastic story?

So, you're saying I made it up?

Equal treatment is equal treatment.

A transgender male to female - - is a female. Her brain knows she's female. This countries already done "Separate but Equal".

Are you raising a teen?

i am not saying you made it up.
you told a story. there are true stories. non fiction right?
i called it fantastic
the other 200 students apparently feel like her body is a male though and that makes them uncomfortable.
my daughter is 3

school bathrooms have been separated by the parts a person has for like 6,000 years now
edit on 1-9-2015 by Mugly because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: ketsuko Sounds like a scene from Caligula. Wait, is that even a novel or am I making this up?

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: Mugly

Many people get upset when other people call certain people (especially friends and family relatives too) names like fags and tranny even if they're not directed at them.

yeah well, those people are too sensitive
why get offended at something someone else is called?
i dont get it

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: boymonkey74

If our society wasn't all hung up on being nude and others peoples bits which is just nature we wouldn't have any problem.

I know right? Nudists and Europeans have no problem with it.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: boymonkey74

If our society wasn't all hung up on being nude and others peoples bits which is just nature we wouldn't have any problem.

I know right? Nudists and Europeans have no problem with it.

european adults?
nudist adults?
european school age kids?
nudist school age kids?

who we talking about?

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: Domo1

And the locker room isn't supposed to be some kind of party where everyone dances around nude and gives high fives.

Ok following your logic what was the problem with the boys locker room?

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Mugly

Um all of them?

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: phishfriar47
How has everyone in this thread missed the part where the tranny already had a private facility where she could be comfortable, the males could be comfortable, and the females were all comfortable?

Tranny is an insulting slang word.

Lila by law has the right to use the girls locker room.

She can not be forced to use a gender-neutral separate room.

are you trans?
then why be offended

and no, lila does not have the right by any law

you are saying there is a law protecting 1, but not the other 200?
i dont think so

No, I'm not.

Why am I offended? I take treating people equally very, very seriously.

I was 5 when my mom became a polio victim in 1951. The Disability Act was not signed until 1990 . That's 39 years growing up with being treated as a freak. Denied entrance to businesses. Kicked out of restaurants for making other customers uncomfortable. Being denied insurance, credit, etc etc etc.

If you think people are sympathetic to the disabled without being forced - - - think again.

fantastic story.
i take 200 people being made to feel uncomfortable because of 1 person who has other options very serious
my mom does not have polio

none of that really has anything at all to do with kids at that age having to be made to be nude around a person with the opposite sexual organs as them.
not a thing
we are not talking about entrance to a business. we are talking about a school locker room.
very different things

Fantastic story?

So, you're saying I made it up?

Equal treatment is equal treatment.

A transgender male to female - - is a female. Her brain knows she's female.

Except this one thought she was a gay guy until just this year. Maybe this person will decide they are gender-fluid and bisexual. Naked. In a room full of showering girls. This is not someone who has identified as female since age 3.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: phishfriar47
How has everyone in this thread missed the part where the tranny already had a private facility where she could be comfortable, the males could be comfortable, and the females were all comfortable?

Tranny is an insulting slang word.

Lila by law has the right to use the girls locker room.

She can not be forced to use a gender-neutral separate room.

are you trans?
then why be offended

and no, lila does not have the right by any law

you are saying there is a law protecting 1, but not the other 200?
i dont think so

No, I'm not.

Why am I offended? I take treating people equally very, very seriously.

I was 5 when my mom became a polio victim in 1951. The Disability Act was not signed until 1990 . That's 39 years growing up with being treated as a freak. Denied entrance to businesses. Kicked out of restaurants for making other customers uncomfortable. Being denied insurance, credit, etc etc etc.

If you think people are sympathetic to the disabled without being forced - - - think again.

fantastic story.
i take 200 people being made to feel uncomfortable because of 1 person who has other options very serious
my mom does not have polio

none of that really has anything at all to do with kids at that age having to be made to be nude around a person with the opposite sexual organs as them.
not a thing
we are not talking about entrance to a business. we are talking about a school locker room.
very different things

Fantastic story?

So, you're saying I made it up?

Equal treatment is equal treatment.

A transgender male to female - - is a female. Her brain knows she's female. This countries already done "Separate but Equal".

Are you raising a teen?

i am not saying you made it up.
you told a story. there are true stories. non fiction right?
i called it fantastic
the other 200 students apparently feel like her body is a male though and that makes them uncomfortable.
my daughter is 3

I grew up in a disabled club. All kinds of disabilities and deformities.

I learned early "People are their Heart". You see the person. You do not see their physical differences.

Its what I taught my kids. Its what I teach my grandkids.

Would my 15 year old granddaughter go: "Ewww" at first? Probably. But, then she would make the effort to accept that person.

She would be one of the kids walking out in support.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: phishfriar47
How has everyone in this thread missed the part where the tranny already had a private facility where she could be comfortable, the males could be comfortable, and the females were all comfortable?

Tranny is an insulting slang word.

Lila by law has the right to use the girls locker room.

She can not be forced to use a gender-neutral separate room.

are you trans?
then why be offended

and no, lila does not have the right by any law

you are saying there is a law protecting 1, but not the other 200?
i dont think so

No, I'm not.

Why am I offended? I take treating people equally very, very seriously.

I was 5 when my mom became a polio victim in 1951. The Disability Act was not signed until 1990 . That's 39 years growing up with being treated as a freak. Denied entrance to businesses. Kicked out of restaurants for making other customers uncomfortable. Being denied insurance, credit, etc etc etc.

If you think people are sympathetic to the disabled without being forced - - - think again.

fantastic story.
i take 200 people being made to feel uncomfortable because of 1 person who has other options very serious
my mom does not have polio

none of that really has anything at all to do with kids at that age having to be made to be nude around a person with the opposite sexual organs as them.
not a thing
we are not talking about entrance to a business. we are talking about a school locker room.
very different things

Fantastic story?

So, you're saying I made it up?

Equal treatment is equal treatment.

A transgender male to female - - is a female. Her brain knows she's female. This countries already done "Separate but Equal".

Are you raising a teen?

That great, it is equal treatment. Everyone with a penis goes to the boys locker room. Everyone without a penis goes to the girls locker room. You can't get much more fair

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

So can I tell the lady at work who now has us wearing unscented deodorant that her discomfort is meaningless? And since more of us don't mind regular deodorant tough deal for her?

Yes. I don't know where you work, but I would have fought that one. That's ridiculous. If she's that affected she should be on disability in a bubble. Does she have an airtight car that docks with her cubicle? if scents really disturb her so much, I don't see how she can function leaving the house. Does she have a little entourage sniffing armpits before she walks down a supermarket aisle?

That's the crux of the issue, one person's discomfort over a group's discomfort.

Yeah, that's what I've been saying. That's what you're saying with your example isn't it? That the one person with a problem because she's super different is being a pain in the ass and making the majority of normal people uncomfortable with special requests... I suppose I was assuming you think it's BS that you can't wear deodorant with scent around the special snowflake, when in reality the special snowflake is the one making everyone uncomfortable.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: Domo1

And the locker room isn't supposed to be some kind of party where everyone dances around nude and gives high fives.

What does this even mean? No, it's supposed to be a place where you aren't confronted with the opposite genitalia. It's supposed to be a place where people that are biologically the opposite sex aren't going to see you naked.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

I grew up with nudists in my family and quite like to let it all hang out myself.
Normally though I just wear these in the back yard.

But yeah the human body isn't about just sex and I think it is healthy for kids to feel normal around any human naked body.
But like others have said and I have gotten changed in co sex changing rooms in a few places you just mind your own business and get changed.

In fact just thinking about it every wednesday I take an SU to the local swimming baths and they are co sex changing rooms.

edit on 1-9-2015 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: Reallyfolks
Two questions not being mean.. what exactly is a transsexual experience? Is that like a small period of identifying with a different gender. Yes or no is fine, not prying for details

Are you saying tranny is similar to the n word? If you're black or trans it's ok to say but no one else? Serious question.

Serious answer -
Yes, "tranny" is similar to the n word. In some circles and regions apparently and for some generations, apparently it is less offensive but unless you are transgender or transsexual, don't use it.

In short, "transsexual experience" was referring to the fact that I was born male but grew up to be a girl. Sounds dumb but true story. Feminine and very girlish boy until about 16/17. Sexually ambiguous and androgynous after junior year then began living and as a girl/young woman after graduation and subsequently had SRS. FWIW, I've never identified as a different gender - you can ask the OP and she'll tell you same thing. What's different between her and I is about 40 years and kids weren't transitioning in school during the 60's and early 70's.

Want to know more, U2U me so we don't go off topic again.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: Reallyfolks

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Mugly

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: phishfriar47
How has everyone in this thread missed the part where the tranny already had a private facility where she could be comfortable, the males could be comfortable, and the females were all comfortable?

Tranny is an insulting slang word.

Lila by law has the right to use the girls locker room.

She can not be forced to use a gender-neutral separate room.

are you trans?
then why be offended

and no, lila does not have the right by any law

you are saying there is a law protecting 1, but not the other 200?
i dont think so

No, I'm not.

Why am I offended? I take treating people equally very, very seriously.

I was 5 when my mom became a polio victim in 1951. The Disability Act was not signed until 1990 . That's 39 years growing up with being treated as a freak. Denied entrance to businesses. Kicked out of restaurants for making other customers uncomfortable. Being denied insurance, credit, etc etc etc.

If you think people are sympathetic to the disabled without being forced - - - think again.

fantastic story.
i take 200 people being made to feel uncomfortable because of 1 person who has other options very serious
my mom does not have polio

none of that really has anything at all to do with kids at that age having to be made to be nude around a person with the opposite sexual organs as them.
not a thing
we are not talking about entrance to a business. we are talking about a school locker room.
very different things

Fantastic story?

So, you're saying I made it up?

Equal treatment is equal treatment.

A transgender male to female - - is a female. Her brain knows she's female. This countries already done "Separate but Equal".

Are you raising a teen?

That great, it is equal treatment. Everyone with a penis goes to the boys locker room. Everyone without a penis goes to the girls locker room. You can't get much more fair

Everyone black go to your school.

Everyone white go to your school.

This is not your generation. Gender fluidity is what this generation is growing up with. It should be natural to them.

The only people holding these high school kids hostage to past ideas is their parents.

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