posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to:
bbracken677 Well we got hit twice in Papua New Guinea and Mexico comes up and Alaska, the big one hit Japan though
yesterday, IdK where it will hit next it travels to same locations of hot zones, it hit twice in Virgin Islands again so we could see more quakes
coming soon in NW location. The one repeat patterns with Vanuatu and Greece and Mariana Islands lead last time to bigger quakes hitting Marina Islands
over 7 mag and than destructive forces hit California and Oklahoma, so if we get a big one in Marina islands I would keep and eye out for those
locations mentioned. Puerto Rico keeps getting hit with like Oklahoma 3 mags. could be a location that will pick up in quakes or it will move to
bigger quakes in Guatemala location. It's constant motion and quakes are constant, so predicting dangerous ones is hard to do. Like yesterdays Japan
at 6 mag no one really gets effected there, but if it hit another location would of been bad.
(edit) If we do get hit at over 7 mag's in Marina Islands area there will be warning issues sent to locations of Hawaii, WA, CA, Mexico and Japan
where flooding could occur, but last time it didn't. I'm not worry about the big one here in WA hitting , just seeing a pattern we will get quakes
most likely little ones. Virgin Islands helps me keep track of direction very little though. Patterns tend to break like in Tennessee, Arkansas,
Irving TX., and Idaho. They like to just pop up like volcano eruptions.
edit on 2-9-2015 by historykel because: (no reason given)
want to make that comment New York City, get a rope!!!
edit on 2-9-2015 by historykel because: (no reason given)