posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:23 AM
The antichrist has to meet all the requirements of every verse in the bible...
Let's start with the name
Anti- in Greek means "in the place of but opposed to"
So we're looking for a religious leader that claims to sit in the place of God.... But is actually opposed to him.
We start off in the New Testament with verses that say the antichrist is already at work in the apostles day...but he wasn't out In the open yet...
Paul in 2 Thessalonians chap2 calls the antichrist the "man of sin" and tells us he will has again already began his work in their day, but will rise
up and take his seat over the church when a "restrainer" is taken out of the way... This restrainer is something he told the Thessalonians about when
he was with them... Looking at early church writings they all agree that Paul said it was the Roman Empire!!!
So beginning at the apostles time, a fake religious leader was starting something.... Which would rise up and take its seat over the church at the
fall of Rome... Calling himself God and over everything that is God... His rule would continue until the end of time at which point he will be
destroyed by Christ when he comes back and is going to be thrown in hell...
By now we should know this is not one individual person but a position that one person holds... As it starts in the apostles time and continues to the
Daniel 7 and revelation fills this in even more. Daniel 7 highlights this power as coming out of the 4th world empire(Rome) and is referred to as the
little horn.... Then were told the horns represent kings/kingdoms... So this little horn represents a little kingdom that would rise up out of the
Roman Empire, rule for 1260 days(which is 1260 years, symbolic prophecies ALWAYS followed this rule) would persicute true Christians and blaspheme
God... His power would come to an end at the end of the 1260 years....
Revelation calls this power the beast in. Chapter 13 and the harlot in chapter 17...
Again we see his 1260 year rule in chapter 13 after receiving his seat and authority from the red dragon( Rome... The power that tried to kill Christ
as a baby and crucified him to the cross), his rule ended but he would come back to power at the end of time..the number of his name is 666
Revelation 17 is the events that lead to the end of the world.... Here this entity is pictured as a false church(harlot) riding politics
power(beast)... We're told this power is working with the Kings of the earth in the wilderness to divide the world into 10 kingdoms... This false
church power is said to sit on the city of 7 mountains...
Ok, let's go over history and you should already know by now who meets every requirement.
The Catholic Church claims the Peter, who they claim is the first pope, went to Rome in 45 ad and started the Catholic Church, and was buried under at
peters cathedral ... This however is not true.... Peters tomb was discovered in 1950 once Israel became an independent state and was no longer under
Muslim rule. He was buried in a tomb with other apoles and even Lazarus. The bible keeps tabs on Peter in several locations in the Middle East, never
Rome. And Paul states he went to Rome in 60 as to establish Christianity.
So who went to Rome? Simon Peter magus... He was baptized by Simon Peter the apostle, tried to buy apostleship and was reprimanded... He went to Rome
and started a false Christian church which he called the universal church(Greek word for universal is catholic) this church was a mixture of all the
pagan mysteries with a little Christianity thrown in... This man was worshiped as a God on earth and Justin marter of 160ad noted his statues were
still being worshiped 100 years later. They also used the statue of Jupiter to worship him.... This is an important fact to note because the statue of
Jupiter is still being worshiped in Rome today, they just call it Peter...(check it out, it's historic fact)
Anyway when Simon Peter magus died he was buried in the most holy of pagan cemeteries.... That right Vatican hill under where St. peters now
Anyway this false religion remained hidden until the fall of Rome, where it was put in power, and the pope vigils, was given the army's of Rome to
persicute heretics.... This went on for 1260 years until 1798 when napoleons general took the pope captive and ended his political power....
The popes official tile on the donation of Constantine And used for over 1000 years is "vicarius filii dei" which in Roman numerals adds up to 666,
this is the number of his name... The Catholic Church has been covering this fact up for centuries and purging documents.
Today the littlest kingdoms is the Vatican , and
Yes the Church of Rome sits on the city of 7 hills, and those 7 hills are in fact mountains....(again historic fact...
And today the pope is in fact the only religious leader who works with the UN, or any world leader period... And has a plan for a new world order, and
is working to divide the world into 10 kingdom, divide the world into 10 kingdom's. These 10 kingdoms you have heard of are as follows
European Union
North American Union
South American Union
African Union
Mediterranean union
Asia Union
There are 10 in total and he released a map of his plan in 1968.. A plan which world leaders have been implementing....
Anyone who has studied catholic doctrine knows the pope believes he is Christ on this earth, that's exactly what his title means(literally).
Believes he is over the bible and even God own law... This is why the world worships on Sunday...
People don't know God has his own mark as stated in Deuteronomy, God said the 10 commandments are to be written into our right hand and our
forehead... And the verse goes on....
Revelation said the mark of the beast would be written into our right hand or forehead.
God warns those who follow HIS commandments will be saved(really, read the last verse of
Chapter 13 of revelation)
The little kingdoms of Daniel 7 thinks to change Gods times and laws..... The Catholic Church erased commandment #2 so they could have statues in the
churches and hanged the sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day.... And the whole world has adopted this change....
If you think God won't care what day you keep as sabbath, remember if God cared what tree Adam and Eve ate from..... If it's a commandment, one God
told you to remember, and even warned the antichrist who rose up at the fall of Rome would think to change it... Well let's use common sense
The antichrist is none other than the office of pope, and as he gains politics power back and people see him as a "holy man" God knows his true
intentions and is not impressed.... And pay attention to his speech here in America later this month..... No doubt in my mind that he will encourage
our leaders to pass legislation to enforce Sunday worship for our own good(which will be the mark of the beast). It won't be a tattoo or state Id, it
is a false commandment by someone who claims authority over God.