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Ebola Has Been Defeated in Sierra Leone

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posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:10 PM
Do you remember the great Ebola scare of 2014?

Ebola - my visual charts & projections based on WHO data

There are a lot of threads on various aspects of the current Ebola outbreak - so many that it's hard to picture just how fast Ebola is (or isn't) really spreading. To get a better picture and to see what kind of projections could be made, I created three charts using data I manually compiled from periodic updates from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Gambler, 60, Arrested On Felony Charge For Ebola Joke Inside Cleveland Casino

Emanuel Smith, 60, was gambling Wednesday at the Horseshoe Casino in Cleveland when he allegedly told a dealer that he was there as a way to avoid his ex-wife, who was stricken with Ebola.

Ebola spreads six months after given the all clear

A Liberian woman has caught ebola six months after her partner was given the all clear. It was transmitted through unprotected sex.

With the help of Emergency USA local medical staff celebrated on August 24th the release of the last Ebola patient, Adama Sankoh.

Workers have entered the 42 day countdown to being officially Ebola free.

Celebration as last Ebola patient released from hospital in Sierra Leone

Ms Sankoh is thought to have caught the virus from her son who was a victim of the last known transmission chain in the country in the northern village of Massessebeh.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: TheAmazingYeti

This excellent news!

Now if they can stop ALL current and future strains of Ebola everywhere.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

Evidently there is a vaccine, necessity truly does drive human ingenuity and it's amazing to watch, if we made efforts like this combined efforts with just half of the problems afflicting us we would watch the world change for the better over night, without the red tape and partisan divides when humans are just bettering for sake of humanity # gets done and the impossible is achieved. Hats off fellah's my belief in humanity has risen a level.


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