a reply to:
I changed the way I worship when I was thirteen or so.
After years of my family being looked down upon by most of the rest of Christendom, or so it felt, I took it upon myself to stop going to Church, and
spend my time more wisely, around those who did not scorn me for being poor, who did not look down on me for enjoying the music I prefer, who did not
pontificate and display their piety like a membership club badge, but whose love and companionship had actual worth, as opposed to being a begrudging
As I aged, I expanded my horizons to include bars and metalhead hangouts, and I shone my little candle in those as well. I have not taken communion,
a ritual involving a small bit of bread which signifies the body of Christ, and a swig of wine, representing his blood, for more than a decade. The
reason? I break bread with the people who matter to me, in the act of having dinner with them on a Sunday. I do not limit my worship to Sundays, but
worship in every moment of joy, and laughter, and love that I share between myself and those around me, both strangers and close companions. I give
thanks for all of it, all the time, and I require no priest or pastor to validate me before my God. I will be judged not against my piety and
observances of petty ritual, but against the people whose lives I have touched positively with the influence of Jesus, and indeed against those
moments where I have failed, being just yet another flawed human being, as we all are.
I even give thanks to The Lord that I am no longer a member of any congregation, other than the greater congregation of all humanity, because by
severing myself from that toxic environment, I have been able to spread more light around this world than many who have held fast to the perfidious
entity known as organised Christianity, even many who have taken up the position of clergymen and women, and certainly more than the awful man who
once held court in our local Church, and had been screwing a parishioner on the side for five years before he was caught, leading to a mass exodus,
and even people denouncing their faith!
I still believe in God, in Jesus, but I believe that organised Christianity, requiring a building to practice in, requiring a network of money, and
titles, and bishops and priests, pastors and vicars and deacons and diocese, is by its very definition, anti-Christian. It creates a human-centric
hierarchy on Earth, which more often than not comes between Christ and his followers on Earth, in direct contravention of his instruction that "I am
the way, the truth and the life. None come to the Father, but by me." You will note that he does not say "by me, and my legion of flawed mortal men,
dressed in the wrappings of faith, but just as weak and capable of vast sin as the rest of you".
No, by CHRIST shall I know God, and by Christ shall his work be done on Earth. I need no mortal conduit to feed me his love, or allow me access to
his being. I need only faith. This is a change I made because I was beaten over the head by other Christians, judged in contravention of yet another
of Christ's edicts, and cast aside.