posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:08 AM
With a little thought and rationalization I can agree that my own worst enemy is me. Daily my biggest struggle is coping with my own thoughts,
questions, accusations and assumptions.
I fear no man or woman for that matter, no alien, and no alien species, no government, no conspiracy, no gang or secret society, no agency and no not
even death. There is only one thing that I fear...
In the foothills of the Rocky Mountains at a place called RMCC I heard for myself the most accurate definition of what it means to fear God---TO FEAR
As a soldier for Christ's Kingdom I choose to be a shepherd and not a sheep. Today social norm and what is perceived to be socially acceptable is
defined or better yet preordained by nothing but mere helpless little sheep trying to survive in the wolves den.
I live my life by a few mottos. One of which happens to be: "I can do ANYTHING I want". But, am I willing to pay the consequences for my actions. Am I
willing to go spend a few days in jail to stand up for what I believe in? Or maybe the outcome would be a long vacation at camp Fema because I choose
not to wear the mark of the beast. Possibly, I could be marked as a Targeted Individual subjected to daily harrassment by gang stalkers, and mind
control experiments. Possibly, I may even honorably inherit tinnitus from all the electromagnetic frequencies my molecular structure has recently been
absorbing by means of electronic warfare aimed my direction because I make the personal choice not to conform.
I see no one as my superior , just as I feel superior to no one. My belief is that every human is equal. Each and every one of us made in HIS perfect
In the days of Jesus it was an honor to die for what you believe in. Remember the martyrs boiled to death in oil. With a little thought in
rationalization I can agree that my own worst enemy is me. Daily my biggest struggle is coping with my own thoughts, questions, accusations and
I fear no man or woman for that matter, no alien, and no alien species, no government, no conspiracy, no gang or secret society, no agency and no not
even death. There is only one thing that I fear...
In the foothills of the Rocky Mountains at a place called RMCC I heard for myself most accurate definition of what it means to fear God.
As a soldier for Christ Kingdom I choose to be a shepherd and not a sheep. Today social norm and what is perceived to be socially acceptable is
defined or better yet preordained by nothing but mere helpless little sheep trying to survive in the Wolves den.
And live my life by a few mottos one of which happens to be: "I can do ANYTHING I want", but am I willing to pay the consequences for my actions. Am I
willing to go spend a few days in jail and stand up for what I believe in? Maybe the outcome would be a long vacation at camp Fema because I choose
not to wear the mark of the beast. Possibly I could be marked as a Targeted Individual subjecting me to daily harrassment by gang stalkers, and mind
control experiments. Possibly,I may even honorably inherit tinnitus from all the electromagnetic frequencies my molecular structure has recently been
absorbing by means of electronic warfare aimed my direction because I make the personal choice not to conform.
I see no one as my superior , just as I feel superior to no one. My belief is that every human is equal. Each and every one of us made in HIS perfect
In the days of Jesus it was an honor to die for what you believe in. Remember the martyrs boiled to death in oil spears impaled up their rectum and
hoisted vertical until their body weight settled enough so that gravity would finally take its toll along with their lives; Or maybe, you would choose
to be stoned to death instead. A flogging? No matter which way you look at it the martyrs of the old time were real men, real believers, and stood for
what they believed in!
Whereas, nowadays I am surrounded by #ing pussies who don't know if they want to stand or sit to take a piss.
A little word for the wise nothing changes until something changes. Many honorable men fought and died for our rights in the first civil war. And I
personally I will wholeheartedly follow their legacy onto the battlefield against those in power who are once again trying to enslave us. Whether it
be Obama, the Illuminati, or the tall Grays it don't matter to me. THIS IS MY LIFE!!!! TRY to intervene, SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!!
You see GOD gave us life as a gift..... to do with it as we please..... that's why we are given free will. It is when one does not exercise this free
will that they blasphemy the Holy Spirit and commit the one and only unforgivable sin.
As you recall God is given this world over to Satan to rule.Yet HE still calls us all to be soldiers for HIS kingdom.
A faithful soldier is willing to die for his king, and an honorable king is willing to die for his kingdom. HE already carried HIS cross for us, now
are we willing to do the same for HIM? Right now I pray that all intimidation, bribery and trickery, all false motives be cast into the depths of the
sea and that everyone reading this message makes an honest and faithful decision on which side of the battlefield they will stand when their
inheritance as children of GOD is threatened by the evil ones army.
My brethren do not be intimidated, for God has angels encamped all around us. Do not believe in false accusations you hear. Many tend to believe the
armed forces will do their duty and obey the governments command. But I have a surprise for all you: America was founded by the people and made for
the people and as long as the Army, Marines, Air Force and Navy are made up of citizens of the United States they will continue to take honor in their
belief system, moral codes and work ethics.
I would like to close by quoting James 1:2 "consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that
the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything."
Stand for what you believe in. Love life. And never conform to any cohabitants personal views. For that is their lot.