The following is my opinion on Revelation. You will need a bible if you want to follow along with the scriptures as I tried to make this as condensed
as possible.
Seven Churches
Not necessarily in the order of their messages.
1.Egyptian Religion, 2.Zoroastrianism, 3.Hinduism, 4.Judaism/Christianity, 5.Buddhism, 6.Plato/Greece, 7.Islam.
All held by Jesus Christ and his true church, the Elect/Enlightened who are obedient to the Fathers laws and the Holy Spirit.
The message to the 7 churches predicts one who overcomes the 7 churches who is handed the kingdom to warn the congregation prior to the second coming,
similar to John the Baptist.
The Seven Seals
1st Seal - 70 AD
Destruction of 2nd Temple
Jesus is the rider on white horse who predicted the fall of Jerusalem and Rome finished the act.
Luke 21:20
When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near.
2nd Seal - 325 AD
Roman Catholic Church
3rd Seal - 610/1258 AD
Golden Age of Islam
Mohammed, judging the Catholic church and the trinity but not destroying it.
4th Seal - 1231/1826 AD
5th Seal
End of Church Dominance
6th Seal
Great Earthquake is a metaphor that accompanies the Revelation of Jesus Christ
144,000 enlightened/elect revealed
Congregation follows the enlightened
7th Seal follows the 7th Trumpet
Silence in Heaven but the 7 trumpets are a separate prophecy, they do not follow the 7th seal. 7th seal explained more later.
7 Trumpets
Trumpet 1-4
Rome and the Catholic church tries to conquer world. 1st Beast
First 4 Trumpets fulfilled by the Catholic church. 1/3 means 1/3 of the Prophetic Books OT/NT/Quran. The faith of the Jews and Muslims were not
effected by the Catholic church.
Trumpet 5 - 1st Woe
Napoleon attempts to conquer world. 2nd Beast
Trumpet 6 - 2nd and 3rd Woe
Angel and Witnesses are not part of the Woes and Trumpets. Angel and Scroll, Gabriel & Quran. Two witnesses Moses & Mohammed. Jews and Muslims
witnessing against Catholic Church.
2nd Woe WW1
3rd Woe WW2
Hitler tried to conquer world. 3rd beast
USA tries to conquer world. 4th Beast
7th Trumpet
Revelation of Jesus Christ
Three Angels
Angel 1 Revelation of Jesus Christ
Angel 2 Fall of Financial System
Angel 3 Fall of Fallen Church
Armageddon 7 bowls of wrath/plagues
Begin at the Revelation of Jesus Christ, End with the fall of the Babylon and the Beast.
7th seal releases 7 plagues.
My prayer is the plagues are only spiritual metaphors, but without repentance they could be physical and spiritual.
Armageddon, A spiritual war between opposing factions. My prayer is the war is only spiritual, but without repentance the war will likely be physical
and spiritual.
The Beast and Babylon
The Trinity and the title Vicar of Christ(666), the Pope proclaims himself God. The Pope takes the seat of Christ who is considered God in the
The Beast is the Church of the fallen, with the blood of the saints on their hands. The church who forced baptism and obedience to the King and Pope
as God's authorities. Anyone who refused the Mark(666) of the Church was killed.
All kings claiming divine right to rule are false kings as Jesus is the only Devine King.
Oh how you have fallen son of the morning star(Jesus Christ). Satan is called the fallen son of Christ in the OT. Satan and the demons are the the
fallen creation of Christ and the angels are the righteous creation of Christ.
The Catholic Church and all her Christian daughter churches represent the Church of the fallen. The church of sinners.
The enlightened who obey the commands of God and overcome willful sin are the true Church of Christ.
Babylon represents the corrupt Government and Financial System, which was given power by the Pope to speak on behalf of the Church of the fallen
through Constantine and all subsequent European rulers.
After the fall of the Beast and Babylon
1000 year reign of Christ. All mankind united. All have faith in the Devine voice of Love and Reason, the Holy Spirit within. Age of enlightenment.
After the 1000 years
War of Gog and Magog.
Final Judgment
New Jerusalem
edit on 25-8-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)