posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to:
No, I don't live in Europe, though I'm not quite sure what that has to do with anything.
There are two ways this is going to end. IMNSHO, of course.
1) Syria is stabilized by whatever means necessary, up to and including knocking heads together. Then these people are able to go home and rebuild
their country in whatever fashion fits them. Is Europe, as a whole, willing to pay that butchers bill? Is the U.S.? Since the problems are largely,
though not solely, the fault of Europe and the U.S., seems to me we ought to be willing to fix the problem...
2) Y'all allow the refugees to stay, and attempt to integrate them into your various societies. ...and that will, of course, open up a whole
wonderchest of problems that no one wants. You, or the vast majority of the refugees. The refugees, for the most part, just want a safe place to
raise their children, and live their lives.
Those, as I see it, are the only two options open to us.