[stolen from aol for ats viewers ] MADISON, Wis. (June 8) - Doctors initially feared a smallpox outbreak as they began seeing cases of a mysterious disease that has spread to at
least 19 people who came into contact with pet prairie dogs in the Midwest, health officials said Sunday.
The symptoms were alarmingly similar - fever, chills, rashes and swollen lymph nodes, said Milwaukee's health commissioner, Dr. Seth Foldy. It was
when the prairie dog connection surfaced that they knew it must be something else....
I saw something about this on the news, and was terrifically amused to find that the people with the first cases of the disease had a prairie dog as
a...wait for it...pet. who the hell keeps a prairie dog as a pet?! goofballs.
My goodness!!
I have been feeling the urge to run in and out of my house recently and sit on the roof watching people.
I think my teeth are starting to grow as well ...