a reply to:
If you talk to him he's pretty reserved.
He doesn't like jumping to conclusions
without enough evidence (he's a scientist,
not an ATS poster).
But if you watch his latest stuff from France,
for example, he talks about reality in terms
of information theory not the current
Now please don't mistake Vallee with what
I write. Dr. Vallee and I concur about a
lot of things, but I'm not his mouthpiece.
He'd probably say that I take things 50%
too far (maybe likely but not enough
There really is overwhelming evidence
that the "high strangeness" type events
have nothing to do with biological
aliens or black projects.
Are there some cool aircraft projects?
No doubt.
Is there even 1 alien ET with nuts and
bolts craft in the galaxy? The evidence
would probably say no. In this Universe?
Maybe. Have they visited us? Probably
I know that I push back hard... but its
not out of meanness. Not out of ego
(not much anyway... nobody is perfect).
It's because there is ONE real mechanism
behind most of what is weird about this
world and "UFOs" are just a small slice
of it.
I could provide much better info in