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The type of person most likely to believe conspiracy theories

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posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I don't think that a person's sense of control or lack thereof over their lives has anything to do with believing in conspiracy theories. It's a fact that conspiracies have happened and most likely are still happening. So called conspiracy theorists are people who question things. Most see things that don't make sense or don't quite add up and begin asking questions. Below are "conspiracy theories" that have actually been proven to be true.

edit on 18-8-2015 by Skid Mark because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
why am i not surprsised that the ATS population is offended by being labeled as " conspiracy theorists "

yet flings around blatant generalisations of " type " every day :

one percenters





etc etc etc

Those are not types, those are groups.

You really are an ignorant ape.

posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 01:48 PM
the problem with threads like this is the fooking awesome leap of logic that people employ to swing from :

people conspire - it only takes 2 people ergo conspiracy theories = true

then with ZERO evidence accept :

OMG the queen of england is a baby eating reptile

and they wonder why they are ridiculed

posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
why am i not surprsised that the ATS population is offended by being labeled as " conspiracy theorists "

yet flings around blatant generalisations of " type " every day :

one percenters





etc etc etc

Because they're the real types that are a danger to us, our children and our planet, and do the work of evil.
edit on 18-8-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2015 @ 10:17 PM

The more that people feared the millennium bug in 1999, the more likely they were inclined to believe in other conspiracy theories, ranging from Kennedy to the government hiding evidence of the existence of UFOs

That's absurd! Every intelligent or informed person knew is was just a scare tactic to sell computers. ESPECIALLY conspiracy theorists.

he believes conspiracy theorists have one thing in common: They feel a lack of control over their lives.
People that don't believe in any of them are the ones afraid of losing that control. There's also a difference between FEELING the lack of control of UNDERSTANDING the lack of control.

According to a different study conducted last year, 37 percent of Americans believe the Food and Drug Administration is deliberately holding back a cure to cancer because the government agency is being paid off by drug companies.

Only 37%?

Pretty soon the alternative media of the internet will surpass MSM and the people being laugh about will be the ones denying every conspiracies.

The rest of the research is totally bogus, unfounded and plain bat s*** crazy :

The first group was told to write about a time when they felt fully in control, while the second group was told to write about a time when they didn’t feel in control. The researchers then looked at how participants felt about a building project in Amsterdam that was accidentally destroying the foundations of many homes — something that was rumored to be a conspiracy by the city council. Those who had just written of a time when they felt in control said they didn’t think the city council had anything to do with the accidental destruction.

Ah yeah, that's reeeeeal science.

posted on Aug, 26 2015 @ 07:59 PM

That should clear things up.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 06:00 PM
The type of person that believes in conspiracy theories are open minded in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 04:07 AM
When I was poor and uneducated, I was more prone to believe in conspiracies and I always blamed the government and society for everything.

When I became educated and gained some sense of success, I realized things weren't that simple and generalized. I stopped blaming the government and society and I only believe in particular conspiracies now.

My opinion is that people simply need someone or something to blame, whether it's their family, the government, society, etc. . . anything to alleviate them self from personal responsibility. Are our governments doing bad things at times? Yes, of course. Saying you don't believe in conspiracies is like saying you believe everyone tells the truth and never tries to trick you. It's insanity to believe that. However, people aren't always trying to trick you either. The truth always falls somewhere in between, but most people simply can't handle the truth, which is why it's mostly people on either end of two extremes.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: 19Hondo
The type of person that believes in conspiracy theories are open minded in my opinion.

I would say that the person who CONSIDERS a variety of conspiracy theories is open minded. One can consider any and all theories about any given event, but not reach any conclusions until all facts and evidence are known.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 09:04 AM
People like a good mystery to solve, thats about it

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 10:42 PM
I think the title is worded wrongly. I think "The type of person most likely to think about conspiracy theories" sounds a little less harsh.

Lets face it probably 99% of conspiracy theories are wrong. Thousands of people might come up with thousands of different theories surrounding one event but only one theory might be correct. But then a large number of those people who came up with a wrong theory will turn round and say "see i was right, i knew something was dodgy".

Some of the events presented in the videos at the top of the page were not conspiracy theories that turned out to be true but just conspiracies that happened in history.

The fact is when two or more people get together to form a plan its a conspiracy but that does not make it a conspiracy against you. I think that's where the craziness comes in.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: olaru12
Conspiracy theories, are different to conspiracy itself. A theory uses information that is heard or given as evidence secretly and then reviewed with other information to correlate a story for public consideration.

Then there is also the victim....who is treated as a conspirist for the purpose of disinformation in the public.

The conspiracy theory belongs to the tradition of secret brotherhoods, whose investigation is a historical review. The review involves elitism, religious indoctrination and also the basis of religion itself.....powers in creation, the wisdom of the powers, the gain of the powers, the application of the powers and then the cause and effect review....occultism or spiritual attack.

If you do a historical research the elitists belong to the organization and building of civilization, controlling the civilization and applying the laws/religious values for public control.

The normal and everyday human being knows from personal history that we once lived as a spiritual family in the tribal communities as a natural and mutual support. Therefore when you do a historical research on elitism and secrecy and the gain of ownership/status/powermongering, it involves the removal of this life condition and how our life changed.

This change belongs to the only consideration....the ancient forming of a brotherhood who overthrew the native condition to control and enslave the human life for their own self gain. Therefore history attests to a huge amount of personal abuses against the common human.

The review then caused human beings to question how a brotherhood gained the control of humanity and then enforced belief upon them......and the occultism that ancient civilization demonstrates that it used and harmed us with.

This is the true conspiracy itself......civilization and how it was gained, along with religious practices that belong to occultism.

When you study occultism all of the literature relates to aspects of creation, the powers of creation, the secrets about the powers of creation, the fighting between the brotherhoods about owning the powers of creation and also preventing the brotherhood we asked ourselves why...and what did it mean?

Occultism itself is science, and religion is science, the application of science and the cause and effect of science, that was then taught as an interpreted concepts for spiritual living......regarding the non conjuring of evil spirits.

Therefore study of occultism and secrecy relates to science itself....for the High Priest began the concepts for scientific review via his own spiritual research of his personal consciousness, his occult practices and also his spiritual review.

Due to elitism, it was discovered by some researchers that secret brotherhoods had an ancient purpose and they tried to bring this notification into the modern day public awareness.....only because spiritual attacks had once again began to increase in the public communities. Obviously if religion teaches about spirit and powers and evil, then the 2 circumstances were connected.

If the elitists, as the occultists practice illegal form of scientific studies that relate to the condition of spirit and evil, then what would the public think, if they were made aware of the history of this elitism and use of conjuring evil via creation powers? Of course the public would be made aware of what was never previously considered....the truth to secret occultism....the elitists and their unethical practices of keeping information secreted so that their own personal control of the civilization would not be threatened.

This is what conspiracy is about.......being kept disinformed and also unaware so that we cannot dispute what should be disputed.....our life and holiness on Earth.

The secret brotherhoods do relate to the condition of upkeeping spiritual holiness or abusing the spiritual holiness.

So we then consider what is the spiritual abuse.....obviously it is the applications that cause spiritual phenomena to attack the holiness of life.

What has been happening in modern day life that has been treated as a conspiracy and secrecy.....alien spiritual attacks, changes to life itself, changes to the atmosphere....all considered by ancient documents to be holy.

Therefore the evidence is not conspiracy, it is fact.

Why would brotherhoods search out other brotherhoods who by ancient evidence had gone into hiding?

Why would Scientists proclaimed in ancient literature to be the jailed and murdered?

Occultism itself, the practices of using the powers of creation and then causing spiritual attacks due to the condition.

This is the only secret that belongs to the conspiracy, the scientific practices themselves.

All other forms of disinformation and personal attacks on the human researches have already been proven. This circumstance itself gives its own proof of identification that this human review is true.

Scientific invention has always demonstrated that its model relates to the condition of elitism itself.

Therefore the elitists were never attacked on the condition of their ownership of the social condition, they were attacked on the condition of using the powers of creation and attacking human life.

Spiritual brotherhood determines that it existed as the defender of human life and spirit......all the literature makes this statement.

The ancient occultist practice of using the burnt light irradiated spirit review, relates to evil conjuring and the realization of how creation powers caused the spiritual attack of life on Earth.

The common day human was never given advice or allowed to choose the science or scientific applications....the elitists chose for us and did not inform us about the considerations of the natural life being attacked.

If the public were given the advice of course we would all have prevented the science itself.....if this was allowed, then obviously the elitists would no longer be supported as the owners of civilization. Therefore their own model of ownership is based on personal review and it was never the consideration of the spiritual life or the holiness of life.

This is why different brotherhoods were formed via the same condition of using spiritual evidence and advice as an ancient philosophy.

The conspiracy itself therefore has always belonged to the infighting of wisdom and what it reveals.

Living for the spiritual life versus living for the greedy life is the conspiracy.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: olaru12

After spending years studying the brain
I figured out how effective psychic
Programs are, especially on computer.
If they wanted to they could replace the
Whole population by computer without
Us knowing. Things like that are possible
And I've learnt that because I'm older.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 05:18 PM
So many words by so many.

I don't even believe most conspiracy theories.

But I can say this : if you feel like you're in control, you'd better step back and take another look.

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