posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 07:42 AM
Oh, Lauren*, why didn't I ever let you know how I felt? Your beautiful looks, easy-going personality and humour had me captivated from the moment I
met you. We worked together as colleagues for over a year, and although we shared some conversations and I did get to learn a bit about you, I felt
like this did not do justice to the chemistry between us. (Was there really chemistry, or is that just my nostalgia getting in the way?)
Nevertheless, I look back upon our time working together as a treasured memory, not because of the boring repetitive work we engaged in, but rather
because of the conversations we had and laughs we shared. I am so sorry there were times when I acted cold and disinterested; they were a mask to
conceal my true feelings. I was afraid back then of getting too close to anyone because I didn't accept who I was.
While I still struggle with coming to terms with who I am, the difference between then and now is remarkable. I think you would be proud of my
progress. Alas, I fear I am just a distant memory that you no longer have room in your current life to recall.
Either way, know that I am here and waiting for that one day when we will meet again...
* Lauren is not her real name. I have since found out a bit more about her via social media and even added her recently on Facebook. Still no reply, I
fear my name does not ring a bell or carry any meaning to her. We worked together about 6 years ago, she was 19 at the time.