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The 'I want to believe it's real so much' complex?

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posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 12:02 PM
This is my personal take on UFOLogy and aliens in general, alot of it comes from what i've observed by posters here. Please note, I obviously cannot be right with one statement. It applies to some and to others it doesn't. Don't feel offended.

There has never been definitive proof of aliens, essentially we can then state Jesus, ghosts, dragons, vampires, werewolves and many other thought to be mythical creatures exist. We have witnessed 'UFOs' many of us, but from time to time even a jet is considered UFO. It depends on viewers perspective. If you see a shining light moving at speed, from ground you cannot declare what it is and this makes it a UFO to you. However to another set of people it might have been a drone that needs to get behind some clouds, just the other day, I saw something with my friend, looked like a star, hell I was like wtf is that, it shimmied across the sky a bit I showed my friend and he saw it and was freaked out. And not until just this moment I realized it could've simply been a drone. As it did seem as if it was looking at us, it moved from behind the clouds twice then when we stepped out and started staring at it it went still and then slightly drifted behind the clouds that was heading in it's direction. But thinking about it now it would be what a drone does.

The I want to believe complex: I define this as our lives, this world is a bit lacklustre, we want to see something exciting happening. We want to believe there's more than that is told to us. We just want something to believe in, some of us hold tight to religion, some of us conspiracies some of us aliens. Mind you I'm not saying it's wrong, but there are some people that want to believe so much your mind manipulates you. Remember what you believe is what you expierence which is why on some levels we can consider reality "Another man's imagination of what he had wanted life to be." Picking grapes and eating it all day isn't the most fun thing to do. We get bored and being as intelligent as we are and as able as we are, overtime we develop into what we currently are.

Can't understand? Take grand theft auto, if you've ever played online you notice there are different types of servers. Some are roleplay, some are death matches, and some are just for experimenting. We currently are 'roleplay'. We could exist as completely wild animals, only scientists or whatever else we wanted to be. But the most feasible and wide spread reality takes the world. Tomorrow our reality could move from the average day, to being in a full on world war.

With all that being said, we've been through the stresses and struggles of trying to find extraterrestrial life, we have yet to do so and announce it publicly. On the other hand, our planet itself could be a life form.

With all that said
we should be on level terms. The I want to believe complex, a few questions...

Alien Space Ships?
Why do we believe that an alien race would have a reality similar to ours where we have machines that fly? Because it's all we know. Anything that flies and is unidentified and does something that we don't understand is instantly associated with aliens. Why couldn't they be of a reality where they just teleport back and from?

How an alien look?
Pictures of ET are really hilarious, 90% of them have a humanoid structure. Simply shows the image of them were created by what we know of ourselves.

Super intelligent but does human things?
Famous quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." These beings are so far beyond us yet they need to probe us anally? Or even abduct any at all, we have an mri machine we'd at least expect them to have thought "Hey there might be hostile life and we need to develop something to analyze them. The chemicals of our life form could easily give off toxic scents to another life form.

Only I saw?
How are these hell of amazing devices going so unseen? Yet anything else happens in the sky then there's numerous people seeing it. One doesn't see this magic of unknown origin and not try to draw attention to it. That makes no sense. Want a fun social experiment? Go outside now, in a town. Look at the sky and point, everyone that comes tell them "I'm making a fool out of people, join me and let's have a laugh" Everyone that passes by you will look. I've done this many a times. Many, side note: It's hilarious as hell when you reach 20+ people all looking at nothing in the sky talking to each other and watching as other people go mad trying to see what you're looking at.

They don't want us to know they are here! They control the government?
Then what makes you think we'd be able to see their 'space ships'? Our eyes can be manipulated you know. The screen you are looking at right now and reading this only shows Red Green and Blue(RGB) But it's manipulating our eyes by showing us xxx amount each color to produce the effect as if we are seeing the actual color. Seeing the irony yet?

The government hides it all?
This cannot be hidden by 1 man, if there is alien interaction, thousands of human beings are involved at bare minimum. Remember when snowden cracked? Yea not everyone will uphold to that secrecy especially with you know "Agenda 21"

There are many more questions and things to ask, people should first observe our universe is the highest level technology can reach, physics and chemistry wise. What many of us do is try to create a new colour. And we end up with a very odd shade of a colour that we already know exists. Meaning, we want to believe so badly we create something in our own image but make it superior to us on many levels then call it an alien.

If you want to experiment with your mind, go to a mirror everyday and tell yourself one thing. You'll eventually believe it.

I welcome your views and opinions

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

You lost me at Grand theft Auto. That is a sandbox game- a satirical mirror that reflects our behavior upon ourselves-but I digress.

I've had my fair share of high strangeness, and I'll try to rationalize It as anyone else would, but it is fun to speculate at times. The sheer amount of anecdotal evidence suggests that something truly remarkable is happening but our knowledge of the laws of physics suggests that interstellar travel is not possible.

That's where the lines get blurred and things truly get interesting.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

If i had to wager a guess most of this is just because we are not sufficiently evolved to understand what we are seeing. Time is on our side though, with enough of it we will catch up and know for sure one way or the other.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 12:56 PM
point taken, however the flipside of this 'coin' would be the 'i refuse to consider' syndrome...

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

We have witnessed 'UFOs' many of us, but from time to time even a jet is considered UFO.

Nice debunk. What I saw wasn't a jet, it didn't make any sound. For the speed it was traveling, there should have been thundering jets, rockets, something. But totally silent. It was neon blue, at eye level, crossed the valley in seconds, made an abrupt angular change of direction and disappeared into the only cloud in the whole valley on a perfectly clear night.

I was with other (close friends) and some other people that were total strangers who also saw the same exact thing.

Everyone knew it was something from somewhere else, not earth technology. This was long before drones, computers or any tech that existed that could seemingly defy the laws of physics. I know what those are because my dad was a lockheed space engineer, took me to every air show, teaching me everything he knew about aircraft, satellites, reentry vehicles and launch systems. We witnessed a lot together over a life time and nothing no how like this I ever have seen before or since.

You can say my perspective was off, but I know what occurred long ago on that hill top was a once in a life time event, was not of this earth and was technical in nature, i.e. not spirit or demonic, whatever.

I'm sort of like you in one regard, I don't care if you haven't seen one either.
edit on 14-8-2015 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

Tom, it's the same as a religion "complex."

Actually, the next major religion will honor ETs (about the same as a "God," but more real).

Oh, wait! You don't except the evidence for ETs either--I wonder how much reach you have done to gain that opinion?

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 02:18 PM
The desire not to change one's world view by having to accept some paranormal claim is just as much ingrained in many people's psychology as the desire to believe it. Debunkers and many skeptics belong to the former class. Objective researchers should belong to neither class.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 02:21 PM
The I want to believe complex
there's truth to what you're saying and it's totally legitimate to think this way, however these are the common arguments:

Alien Space Ships?
true, there are likely possibilities in the realm of the immaterial--by now we can presume that anything is achievable. however, it seems more likely we'd be visited by multiple advanced races than just one, and since we're approaching putting man in deep space, it seems that some of them would have technology we can identify with (certain materials like metals and systems of propulsion). a lot of legitimate UFO reports vary from strange biological entities to shape-shifting craft. of course this is all speculation, and there are huge factors involved like the ones outlined in the Fermi Paradox

How an alien look?
alien sightings seem very unlikely because it would be more logical that ET would explore a planet through a proxy. MUFON claims to have 70,000+ ufo case files. here's what they say on their website:

MUFON receives between 500 and 1000 UFO reports a month from all across the globe. These include , but are not limited to reports of:

structured craft
orbs of light
alien encounters
cattle mutilations
and crop circles.

so if you consider that around 5% of UFO cases cannot be adequately explained, that's still a noteworthy number per month (25-50). it makes sense to me that 90% of alien pictures would look hilarious because 5% of the people who report unidentified flying objects are correct in seeing them

Super intelligent but does human things?
there's a very popular argument that we are just now figuring out humans in our ancient past could have been much more advanced than we first thought. you'll get arguments from people that say ancient texts are becoming more historically accurate, and that the beings described in them could very well be extraterrestrials. they say creation stories have too many consistencies to write off as archetypal. in them, they say humanity was created in an image similar to these fantastic beings. what i'm saying is, they might know us more than we can currently imagine. i agree that it seems unlikely we'd need to be abducted, but i guess it's possible some of them are orchestrating a kind of slow intervention over time

Only I saw?
i don't have a comment for this one--except that it's a legitimate concern

They don't want us to know they are here! They control the government?
it makes sense that we wouldn't be able to see them most of the time you consider that earth-like planets we find are much older than our own. we have stealth technology, so you can imagine that they'd do it way better. unfortunately we can't analyze what we can't see, and the very few pictures of legit UFOs we get are usually shot when the photographer doesn't realize anything's there. it's also possible though, that if aliens visit us, some of them would want us to know they're here. that fascinating Zimbabwe case comes to mind, where the children explained that they were conveyed a message. the issue with the government, well, who can say except the people who break their silence and are immediately discredited and labeled as nut-jobs. it seems more likely to me that if the government knows more about this than us, they still don't know that much

The government hides it all?
Mirage Men is an interesting watch that talks about inoculation and disinformation--if you haven't seen it

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
Nice debunk. What I saw wasn't a jet, it didn't make any sound. For the speed it was traveling, there should have been thundering jets, rockets, something. But totally silent.
Of course jets make sound, but if you're far enough away, you can't hear it. I saw a "UFO" yesterday that looked absolutely nothing like a plane, it was too brightly lit and it made no sound.

But as it got closer I could finally tell it was a plane and I could finally hear something, but if it had been on a different path I probably wouldn't have ever heard a sound nor been able to tell it was a plane.

It was kind of along the lines of this video:

CAUTION: to all UFO videographers

originally posted by: SuspiciousTom
Super intelligent but does human things?
Famous quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." These beings are so far beyond us yet they need to probe us anally? Or even abduct any at all, we have an mri machine we'd at least expect them to have thought "Hey there might be hostile life and we need to develop something to analyze them.
They can't breed alien-human hybrids with an MRI machine and since they are sill researching human anatomy maybe they are still trying to figure out the correct breeding orifice through trial and error? Unless it's sleep paralysis, since there are almost never any other witnesses to the abduction and nobody ever seems to set up a nanny cam to record their abduction.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 04:13 PM

The I want to believe complex: I define this as our lives, this world is a bit lacklustre, we want to see something exciting happening. We want to believe there's more than that is told to us. We just want something to believe in, some of us hold tight to religion, some of us conspiracies some of us aliens. Mind you I'm not saying it's wrong, but there are some people that want to believe so much your mind manipulates you. Remember what you believe is what you expierence which is why on some levels we can consider reality "Another man's imagination of what he had wanted life to be." Picking grapes and eating it all day isn't the most fun thing to do. We get bored and being as intelligent as we are and as able as we are, overtime we develop into what we currently are.

I agree with this statement and would add:

1) Aliens are not here
2) "God" does not exist

Reasons? Well, these are my opinions:

1) There is no proof. None. All we have is conjecture and questions to be answered.
2) This is personal to my own tenets and involves four parents. Nuf said on that matter.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

You lost me at Grand theft Auto.

Me too.
Exactly where I quit as well !!

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz4
point taken, however the flipside of this 'coin' would be the 'i refuse to consider' syndrome...

The only people who really 'refuse to consider' the idea are the religious fundamentalists. Most skeptics (myself included) are entirely open to the possibility, and would have no problems accepting it as fact, if there was any evidence.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 05:04 PM
As usual it seems my stance has been mistaken. I'm not here to say "Hey it doesn't exist give up" It's more of trying to help people who have one fixed mindset. I myself believe in extraterrestrial life, not that they are here but that life exists outside of our earth. Which was illustrated by saying we don't understand different life forms and the planet could also be one.

And to stop reading at "Grand theft auto" is a bit shallow, it's to illustrate how each different game server could be that of our world, simulating parallel universes/different realities. Or if you want to look at it from another angle it can show how the imagination paves way for our reality, if a man (elon musk) sits and funds his ideas, he can change the reality of our train system in a few years. Essentially changing our entire reality(how fast we get to places, transportation). If you want to stop there though that's completely fine with me.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

Though I agree with some of what you are saying, I feel your points regarding our depiction of them are flawed.

Mainstream science is stating on a more consistent level that any form of advanced life is most likely to be humanoid. Leading evolutionists are also claiming that convergent evolution across the planet is a sign that evolution is likely to follow similar paths wherever the conditions similar to Earth are.

It's only logical that if we know an Earth like planet can produce intelligence like us, it's also likely that an intelligence with the will to travel space from another Earth like planet would be structurally/atomically similar to something like us.

The humanoid body is ideal for learning about the universe. It is not just a brain, but the anatomical freedom of the body and its corresponding range of sense that makes our technological advancement possible.

Even the necessity for advanced language, which is unarguably required for building a spaceship for example, is inherently dependent on the anatomy. A monkey could simply not produce the entirety of the frequency range required to have a sophisticated language like ours - even if it had the mental capacity to do so.

Your teleport point is just moot. It's against the laws of physics to naturally teleport. For them to teleport they would have had to pursue the field of science and its only logical that they would require some form of humanoid like body to achieve this task for the reasons above.

Yet - it's also moot in the sense that many people DO actually believe that the aliens we experience are of a different dimension altogether and others believe they have mastered electromagnetism to the point where they simply appear to be inter - dimensional to us. There's every theory under the sun actually.

We don't depict them with human - like spaceships either. The technology is definitely foreign to us. We do not naturally assume a disc to fly. This is why the US/Nazi military was so fascinated with trying to create disc based flight during the emergence of the modern phenomenon.

We couldn't lift a disc more than 1 foot off the ground let alone make it do sharp degree turns without an apparent loss of momentum. I've seen a UFO do that and its utterly amazing. As an engineer it utterly blew my mind. I don't know what I could have possibly seen.

Let me put it all differently;

We know Earth and hence true Earth like planets can, under the natural laws of evolution, produce an organism with a humanoid body and brain advanced enough to allow it to develop tools and eventually measure, test and explore the universe.

We know billions of these planets exist within the universe.

It is therefore logical, and not delusional or wishful as you suggest, that we must first and foremost assume that this is where other intelligent life will be, and our form is the most likely form it would take if it were to traverse the universe.

It's also important to note that an intelligent race evolving on another Earth like planet would also become aware of this fact eventually, and that gives Earth itself a special qualitative property within the universe that makes it a beacon for conscious exploration.

I hope you understand my point. Though I agree with you that there is no smoking gun evidence in the sense that you can objectively prove it to the world. There is A LOT of secondary evidence however, if one wished to explore.

I remain fairly neutral on the situation but at the same time it really would not surprise me. It's the type of crap we would do if we encountered advanced life lol.

What do you make of the Fermi paradox then? My answer to that question has always been that they wouldn't want us to know.

Whether it's for malicious reasons, scientific reasons or even ethical reasons - it is not hard to imagine why an advanced space faring race would NOT make itself completely obvious to the still fairly primitive and careless human race.

Just another spin on it all I guess. I feel at this point though it's sort of naive to just deny millions of people's experiences. It seems more sensible at this stage to assume a secret military agenda than mass collective delusion.
edit on 14-8-2015 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

fair point, ATD

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