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Strangest Dream - Baphomet

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posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 09:13 AM
Hello all,

Last night I couldn't sleep worth a damn as I kept waking up all night long. Somewhere in all of that, I had the strangest dream. It was as a cutout that you would see in an old book. The background was a vivid old yellow/gold and the image was of baphomet in the classic right fingers up, horned and eerie. Though, the craziest thing about the image was that it had depth, much like a hologram would and there were strange symbols around it, all in the same image. I don't remember the symbols but I do remember waking up and uttering the word "god" then closing my eyes again to see the image just as clear, then drifting off back to sleep. After, I dreamed that I was in a camp of people I had just discovered while coming out of a destroyed building over a much destroyed city type scape. I was excited to see that there were survivors. I then remember one man telling another that he had watch over the camp while he slept but woke up to find that man on watch passed out in his sleeping bag surrounded by many snakes that had curled up next to his sleeping bag. Then suddenly, the man who directed the other to stand watch but failed, also surrounded by many snakes. I ran to the fire pit where there were 3 blackened hollowed out logs. These were very large logs, but each one smaller than the other. They were hollow and fire was inside of them. They looked more like stone logs rather than wood. I grabbed a branch in hopes of catching the end on fire to ward off the snakes, but as I tried, the fire went out inside of them. I blew on the logs and they blazed to life with fire inside but each time I tried to light the branch, the fires went out. Then I looked back to find the snakes all gone.

Off to my left I saw a scorpion on the ground fighting with what I think was a lizard of some sort. The lizard snapped one of the claws from the scorpion and killed it but the scorpion stung the lizard at the same time and they both died instantly. I thought this odd. The claw that was severed was shiny black with a red or orange circle that was black in the middle... kind of oval shaped and I thought this was interesting as well, though I have no idea what it meant. It resembled a dream I had many months ago about someone being covered with wounds that went into the flesh, leaving cavities with no blood. For some reason I thought about this when I woke up, which was right after that little instance. It was like a flesh disease that bore into the skin, very deep, but left no blood, just holes. Each one about the size of a tip of a pinky finger.

So what do you think? Odd huh?
edit on 13-8-2015 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Yep, pretty freaky. Don't know about the disease. The wounds from White Phosphorus look similar.

For others…


posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Ive been reading into the info about baphomet, and it's hard to get the original info. The name/meaning has changed so many times through out history. Though, the image stood out so much and so clean. He wasn't facing the front like you see in many pictures. He was facing more to the left and the symbols floating in front and around him. I know one was a circle or a globe with a line running out of it, something like a clock with only one hand. I wish I could remember the image more clearly and what the symbols were. He also looked more real than the drawings I've been seeing. More detailed and ornate. I don't remember him having boobs. I think I would have noticed that lol.

As far as the sores, that was mostly from another dream. They just came to mind because of the marking on the claw. The skin looked like "lotus pod skin disease" but without the nodules, or honeycombs but all different sizes and shapes... No blackness or redness.. just cavities in the flesh that were the same color as the skin itself.

edit on 13-8-2015 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

What kind of vibe were you getting from the baphomet?

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: ElOmen

To be honest, none at all. I just saw him standing. It was a picture, though it was somehow moving but much in the way a hologram moves. It was still but somehow interacting. No words or actions and it only lasted for a few moments. It was as though I was looking at a picture through a view master in the way that there was depth. It was 3D. The connecting dream seemed to have more substance in it, but even now as the other dreams faded from memory, that one very much stays clear in my mind, with the exceptions of not remembering what the symbols were around and in front of him. They were kind of floating.

Usually my dreams seem to come at what I'm looking at over recent days but I can't say that I saw any relation to that one that would have brought that into my dream. I've never dreamed of demons before. I don't know if it was a warning or something else.

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 12:53 PM
The more I read up on this guy, the weirder it gets. All this time, I've always related it with the upside down pentagram and the whole goat head with horns assuming that this was just another way as referencing the devil. So based upon what I've been reading, this one link pretty much gives all of the same information I've found from other sources. I'll highlight a few.


There are several theories concerning the origins of the name of Baphomet. The most common explanation claims that it is an Old French corruption of the name of Mohammed (which was Latin-ized to “Mahomet”) – the Prophet of Islam.

“The name of the Templar Baphomet, which should be spelt kabalistically backwards, is composed of three abbreviations: Tem. ohp. AB., Templi omnium hominum pacts abbas, “the father of the temple of peace of all men”. [1. Eliphas Levi, Dogmes et Rituels de la Haute Magie]

Arkon Daraul, an author and teacher of Sufi tradition and magic argued that Baphomet came from the Arabic word Abu fihama(t), meaning “The Father of Understanding”. [2. Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies]

Dr. Hugh Schonfield, whose work on the Dead Sea Scrolls is well-known, developed one of the more interesting theories. Schonfield, who had studied a Jewish cipher called the Atbash cipher, which was used in translating some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, claimed that when one applied the cipher to the word Baphomet, it transposed into the Greek word “Sophia”, which means ” knowledge” and is also synonymous with “goddess”.

Baphomet’s hands form the “sign of Hermetism” – which is a visual representation of the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below”. This dictum sums up the whole of the teachings and the aims of Hermetism, where the microcosm (man) is as the macrocosm (the universe). Therefore, understanding one equals understanding the other.

As per Wiki

A chronicler of the First Crusade, Raymond of Aguilers, called the mosques Bafumarias.[7] The name Bafometz later appeared around 1195 in the Occitan poem "Senhors, per los nostres peccatz" by the troubadour Gavaudan.[8] Around 1250 a poem bewailing the defeat of the Seventh Crusade by Austorc d'Aorlhac refers to Bafomet.[9] De Bafomet is also the title of one of four surviving chapters of an Occitan translation of Ramon Llull's earliest known work, the Libre de la doctrina pueril, "book on the instruction of children".[10]

There is much more but I try to take only from the earliest mentions of the subject so it doesn't get too watered down. First mention seems to be around the 11th century. On other sites, I've seen him mentioned as the one God sends down to watch over the earth and report, much in the way satan would do and also referenced as Jesus himself or something akin to him. I could not find that particular link on this computer but was able to find it on my phone. That could be in the first source though I may have skipped over that part.

So thinking of all of this now... I wonder if it was a warning in relation to the second dream that took place immediately after. I dreamt of it, woke up, fell back asleep then the next dream took place right away.

It's all rather disturbing. I believe I've had prophetic dreams before but never like this, but I'm not calling this one by any means, still I'm open to possibility. The prophetic dreams I mention were always minor and small and always relating to me and my own life, never anything else. More like a subconscious wake up call to what was going on in my life or things that would take place in my life shortly after.

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 04:07 PM
There is another idea floating around that Baphomet (and other related horned deities) are actually a representation of Moses. Early translations of his experience with the burning bush had him coming down the mountain with cracked, broken skin and an earlier mistranslation instead referred to him as being "horned".
Thus some early depictions of Moses as a horned man, and the rest evolved from there.
Or so I've read, anyway.

But it does kind of jive with some of the other imagery in your dream; the ruined landscape, the snakes, fire and desert creatures.

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

You might find this interesting, some baphomet images do comeout around 7 minutes into the video.
edit on 13-8-2015 by ElOmen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
Hello all,

Last night I couldn't sleep worth a damn as I kept waking up all night long. Somewhere in all of that, I had the strangest dream. It was as a cutout that you would see in an old book. The background was a vivid old yellow/gold and the image was of baphomet in the classic right fingers up, horned and eerie.

The part of your dream stated above reminded me of the (coloring books that Satanist's want to hand out to Florida school children)....


posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Most of the time, our dreams use imagery we have stored in our brains. Well, imagery, smells, feelings, sensations, sounds etc. From that, it follows that the images in our dreams have some emotional, metaphorical meaning/context that makes sense on a deep, abstract level.

Something like a Bapho could represent your subconscious' ideal of dark evil or evil intelligence. Culturally, such a figure is regarded as tricky and super-intelligent. So what does the image/concept of Bapho mean to you?

The dream seems to have had an undercurrent of trying to save something you value. There also seemed to have been a fear of loneliness represented by the isolation you'd face when the fires went out and looking for survivors.

What do lizards and scorpions mean to you? To me, neither would represent positive values, but you might relate to the symbolism of one or the other in a positive way. They could reflect aspects in your mind or life that present two difficult choices with one being the lesser evil.

Keeping the fire going could be an ideal or a relationship. Is there a looming life change coming? Moving away, losing someone close? Are you, perhaps, in your early 20s and going through that transition of leaving childhood behind?

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 07:31 AM
I'll see if I can find anything out. Don't be expecting anything now.

I think this is the work of a certain Wisdom Dakini taking a dark form.

You would know her as Azazel. עֲזָאזֵל

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 11:12 AM
A suggestion in trying to explain a possible vision of events to come SP. I can't get to my download of the insignia of the Ohio national Guard recent change. But, if you can search it, you will see an image of Baphomet in it and a lot of other images with it. It keeps me on edge that this region of the country has next door in Indiana, one of the large storage facilities for VX , Sarin, and Mustard gas underground facilities. Are THEY expecting something?

As far as the reptilian and insectivore conflict, I believe that this has been happening for a long time throughout the cosmos.
And our little blue marble earth may just get swept up into the larger war. Read Joel chapter 2, and also remember that Moses and the children of Israel had to deal with those fiery flying serpents you know (Num.21:6).

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Unresponsible
There is another idea floating around that Baphomet (and other related horned deities) are actually a representation of Moses. Early translations of his experience with the burning bush had him coming down the mountain with cracked, broken skin and an earlier mistranslation instead referred to him as being "horned".
Thus some early depictions of Moses as a horned man, and the rest evolved from there.
Or so I've read, anyway.

But it does kind of jive with some of the other imagery in your dream; the ruined landscape, the snakes, fire and desert creatures.

Hmmm Very interesting. I can see the relation with the other symbols, but that opens an even bigger question.. What would Moses be doing in my dreams and what would this mean? The ruined city scape resembled something akin to a post war torn city but other than that, I don't really see the relation between the city and Moses. I'm thinking it would have a deeper meaning, but I can't figure out what or what it would have to do with my own life if at all. Perhaps t's just nothing but a strange dream?

I wanted to add, I'm not saying it's not Moses and you could very well be right. I'm just trying to figure out what it represents if it were. Your answer did open up more possibilities for me in trying to understand this. For now, it's made it a bit more confusing for myself but it's definitely worth a thought. I'll look more into it.
edit on 15-8-2015 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: ElOmen

Thanks for the vid. This is interesting and familiar since it's much like my own culture. Voodoo isn't uncommon where I'm from (I'm not from Haiti
) There are people in the Cajun culture who, even though they're Catholic or even Baptist, they still believe you can pray for harm as well as good. Those that are more into the voodoo side of practice do the same, and as the vid showed, whatever is given has to be paid for so if you ask for something, you end up paying for it all the same with the very same curse or something just as bad.

I noticed that the part you spoke of, the guy mentioned that it was lucifer. So much history is confused these days that it's hard to understand what really represents what.

Thanks again!

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: caladonea

I was digging through images on google and found one that looks almost exactly like it would in the dream.

Though, the image itself was more detailed and realistic than this one, but the background is dead on. Though the image was a type of line drawing similar to what you see here.

I could see the image standing up behind "I think" a wooden table with stuff on it and the symbols were either in front of or on the table as well as to the left side. Each part of the image seemed 3d as though you could see depth in the image and between everything in it. I had the feeling that it was very important and I feared it, though I can't remember if it was a warning or an omen type feeling. I really wish I could remember what the individual symbols were. That part really bothers me.

Sad thing is, now that "Moses" was mentioned, I can't honestly remember if the image was more man than beast. It's funny how things can be familiar, but at the same time, I don't know if I'm adding to it or taking away from it since I fear the dream and it's substance is starting to fade.

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: StallionDuck

So what does the image/concept of Bapho mean to you?

The dream seems to have had an undercurrent of trying to save something you value. There also seemed to have been a fear of loneliness represented by the isolation you'd face when the fires went out and looking for survivors.

What do lizards and scorpions mean to you? To me, neither would represent positive values, but you might relate to the symbolism of one or the other in a positive way. They could reflect aspects in your mind or life that present two difficult choices with one being the lesser evil.

Keeping the fire going could be an ideal or a relationship. Is there a looming life change coming? Moving away, losing someone close? Are you, perhaps, in your early 20s and going through that transition of leaving childhood behind?

Bapho to me always meant a demonic being, perhaps the devil or another fallen consort of his. I never really delved too deep in it because I was "raised" to believe that there was only one bad guy along with fallen angels but we never focused on any of them separate, just one big baddy. Now since then, I've come to read and understand more about individuals. Though my teen years and beyond, I was very interested in knowing all I could about the divine and the fallen but in the last say 15 or so years, I hadn't focused on my earlier curiosities. Those kind of dreams also never popped up. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of doom and destruction dreams, and I've always chalked them up to real life experiences my subconscious was warning me about or explaining to me. Some have even come out on the money with how I dreamed them to the letter but those are rare. So to say what It means to me is only "demonic" and nothing else. I wouldn't even associate that image with something evil, in the way that if I thought about what was evil, that image wouldn't be something I would think of. I would envision a dark shadowed angel with black wings with all human features and very comely with a sinister smirk on his face.
No horns, no forked tail and no pitch fork.

As far as loosing something... That's a possibility. Though, I've always been in fear of loosing something important on some level or another. Helping others in dire situations is something I feel I would normally attempt and it's always been that way. Though, I can see the symbolism in that. So yeah, I can see that part of the dream making sense now that you mention it. Still, the Bapho image still confuses me.

The scorpion and the Lizard has no significance to me what so ever. Even though they both lost the battle, one could be considered poisonous and the other a chameleon perhaps? One also being cold blooded and the other carrying a red circle on a black background symbol that really doesn't make any sense to me. But if I really had to make an explanation for what they were and apply it to myself (and this is a stretch) I would say... Perhaps Me being the lizard, using chameleon qualities to hide my true self battling something that would be poisonous to me in one way or the other that would ultimately destroy or defeat me?

Hmmm.. I can think of something that might apply. So yeah, I could see the second part of that dream relating in some way or fashion. Still.. that first part. That's the one that baffles me the most.

I'm not in my 20s, but much of what you mentioned could still relate with a something of a recent possible endeavor with someone I do care about. So, ok, I can say that you're on the right track. I'll accept that you're dead on... But man.. That FIRST one is a toughie.

Thanks for the input. It was very helpful.

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

I've heard of azazel and read a bit about em. Iron Maiden even had a pretty cool song with him in it

Look forward to reading anything you find on the matter.

posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Dreams can be real puzzlers huh? Some of them strike a chord and occupy our memories (mental real estate) in the same way real life experiences do. If life experiences can shape our thoughts and personalities, it seems reasonable to say some of our dreams do too.

Thanks for the reply and I'm glad parts of the post resonated on some level.

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