posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 01:21 PM
I forgot to add, after gaining an education, one will have a better 'idea' of what to do. BUT, the one thing with having a large sum of money is, if
one uses it correctly, wisely, and with the proper intent, they can change not only their world, but the whole of the world. It all depends on one's
motivations, goals, and greed(s). One can fulfill a 'bucket list' or dreams, but, they can also 'use' said money as a 'means'.
Not to rant, but, I get frustrated when I read these posts, "What would you do if you had '' amount of money?". Every post is the same, donate,
invest, pay of bills, blah, blah, blah. Yes, it is fun to think about, but, Why not do something that one thinks that they cannot?
Money makes the world go around, does it not? Money puts people into positions of power, does it not? Money has the ability to transform a person from
one thing to another, does it not? Money has the power to change the world, does it not?
So, why not use said money to do something one thinks that they cannot do? Change the world, change the country, change something. Change will not
come if people simply continue to focus on selfish change, will it?
Sorry for the rant, did not mean to ruin any fun, just trying to make a point, as this is one of the few spots people listen, not always take action,
but listen (no offense, motivation). Change the world, not just yourself!
-Perspective of a Sociocultural Anthropologist-