posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 01:31 PM
Well said, Heff. Truly. And to those who can't write anything without tea-bagging one party or the other... YOU are the reason. You and the people
like you that came before. Can we change this? Absolutely. Will we. Not a chance. Because of the tea-bagging maroons that simply wouldn't get it
if it was laid-out in Sesame Street speak.
How, just for poops-and-giggles, could we change it, JT? Wouldn't be that hard, really. The vast majority of us would simply have to back a single,
non-mainstream, non-two-party person and get them elected. Someone who 'gets it'. They, in turn, would put Congress on notice that We The People are
done with the BS and are taking it back. Anyone not getting in-line is the enemy. Our person would then focus on neutering the corporatists. Block
Citizens, pull tax subsidies, and tax the bejesus out of all these asshats. Wanna take your bidness to China? Go. And don't come back.