America: Democracy Despoiled
Hey, Remember That Time When...
Hey! Remember that time when you were thinking about who to vote for in your political parties Presidential race and you called all of the candidates
to ask them over? Remember how they all flocked to your front door, sat in your living room and listened intently as you told them
exactly what
you expected of them both during and after the race? Wasn't it funny how they fumbled over one another fighting to kiss your ass? They were kind of
cute and pathetic trying to one up each other, all for your attention and approval. Huh? Man that was a great day!
Wasn't it?
Wait. What? You say that never happened? You say that is ridiculous and beyond the realm of science fiction? Hold on a second... If it wasn't you,
then who...
Oh, sorry. I guess your last name isn't Koch then? Adelson? Soros?
We Really Need To Talk About This...
At this moment, as I write, I am honestly wondering how many people will open this thread, read the above, think to themselves
"Meh, who cares. My
vote didn't mean squat anyway. Let the jerks do whatever they want. This isn't worth my time at all. Freaking ATS people always making much ado about
Judging by the simple fact that
Citizens United is a real thing, and we
all keep on keeping on, I have to assume that quite a few people have some variation of the above opinion. And that's a shame.
The fact that we live in a world where the above mentioned Koch brothers have pledged to spend
nine-hundred-million dollars on
just ONE political party this election cycle is beyond unacceptable in any Democratic model. It's an absolutely insulting aberration of all that is
Nine-hundred-million dollars. $900,000,000.00. 9/10ths of a billion dollars.
Understand that we are not talking about the total amount that one party will spend over an election cycle. We are discussing how much money just
one very small, very powerful special interest group is throwing into the mix. While this is the most obvious and, as far as I know, the
largest single contribution - it is by no means the only example. Candidates on both sides of the political spectrum are quite happy to take donations
of any size from any billioniare, corporate interest or special interest group who will offer it. If the amount is large enough? The candidates will
do just about anything to get that money. If you've ever seen strippers zero in on the drunk customer who's got a pocket full of tens and has just
crossed the "drunk enough to start making it rain money" line... then you have some idea of how these things work.
We no longer have a government of the people. We have prostitutes who will pass laws the same way that street prostitutes turn tricks. If you've got
the money, they will make you happy. They will give you what you want.
No money? No honey.
There are some facts that might still surprise a few readers, so I will touch upon them here. For the sake of brevity and ease of access I will keep
things simple and only use
this single source - though there are many others, a number of which
are listed at the bottom of this link. They are a good place to get depressed enough to want to open up a bottle and hide in a basement somewhere.
A study of over twenty years of data showed that Congress does not pass laws based upon the will of the people. In fact the opinions of roughly 90%
of the population have zero influence over law at all.
“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public
The wealthy do not just buy control. They buy the right to strip mine the funds that should be going toward making OUR lives better. They take
obscene amounts of money OUT of the tax coffers and funnel it all straight into the hands of the wealthy.
In the last 5 years alone, the 200 most politically active companies in the US spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and
campaign contributions.
Those same companies got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support — earning a return of 750 times their investment.
It's bad enough that two thirds of political donations come from just 0.2% of the population. But hey, at least they're putting butts in the seats and
enabling law makers to sit around deciding policy. Right? Even if that policy only benefits a sliver of us, at least they are being productive.
Nope. Our elected officials in Congress spend about
SEVENTY PERCENT of their "work" time fundraising. They have truly mastered moonlighting. In
fact they have gotten so good at it that they can work for themselves while they are on OUR clock, being paid by OUR money.
And this is what happens when we allow a bunch of people with conflicted interests to decide that money is "free speech" and that Corporations are
"people". We are told that this is "fair". I ask you. When was the last time Congress bailed
you out? When was the last time an elected
official from Washington called you and asked
"Hey, there is a Bill coming around that is a sure fire thing. Some minor education crap that is
going to pass without any resistence and is so mundane that the news won't even mention it. Any special riders you want me to throw in? You getting
taxed on anything? I can fix that with a rider. EPA on your back? I can fix that too. Just wash my back and I'll wash yours..."
I assume the answer from all of you will be
"Ummm, never."
And that is the point. It's not fair. It's not Democratic.
Money equalling "free speech" and vested interests being legal "persons" combine to make a voice so loud that it mitigates free speech for all of the
rest of us. It creates a noise so loud and so profoundly destructive that it causes the rest of us to remain totally unheard. It renders the vast
majority of us impotent in regard to the Democratic process.
What Now? Closing Thoughts...
When it is all said and done, we let this happen. For those of us who are a bit older, we are directly responsible. The millenials are less directly
culpable but still with dirty enough hands. The fact is that we all got comfortable and apathetic. Life was OK, there were way too many things to do
in a day and we all had our own problems to deal with. So we focused on ourselves and we let Democracy in the United Stated choke to death. Our
of the People, by the People, for the People failed on our watch and it's only right that we take responsibility for fixing it.
And yet, how? Pandora's box is already open. The genie is already out of the bottle.
edit on 8/6/15 by Hefficide because: Typo