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5th Planned Parenthood Video Released

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posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

So now we have to save the rats as well? When do the "Choose rats" bumper stickers come out?

I think you have just indisputably shown the difference between a human life and tissue.

Thanks for the graphic distinction.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 08:19 PM
FLASHBACK: In 2000, Chris Wallace Aired Undercover Report on ABC About Fetal Organ Trade - See more at:

Wallace, who is now with Fox News (and mentioned his 2000 report on the July 19, 2015 edition of Fox News Sunday), began his segment with the account of Cindy Smith, who donated the bodies of her unborn twins after they were gravely affected by her radiation treatment for cancer. The bodies ended up in the hands of Dr. Jones, who "would be making money off her twins."

The correspondent ran several extended clips from their hidden camera footage, where two producers met up with Dr. Jones over dinner. The pathologist, who ultimately went to prison for tax evasion and died in 2013, revealed that average fetal tissue sample or organ cost his firm, Opening Lines, "just $50, plus overhead – but that he charges an average of $250. The law only talks about recovering costs. But on a single fetus, Jones said he can make $2,500."

Wallace also turned to bioethicist Arthur Caplan, who viewed the undercover footage and denounced Dr. Jones's "trading in body parts." Caplan underlined that "it's flat-out buying and selling, It's flat-out profiteering. It's flat-out saying, 'I'm going to charge you whatever you're going to pay me.'"

At one point in the footage, Dr. Jones also blatantly referred to his operation as a "golden goose," adding that "you can certainly keep it well-fed, and it will lay lots of eggs for you." Caplan blasted the physician for being "blatant – 'I'm going to get the maximum value out of mining a fetus''s shocking."

Besides the hidden camera video, the journalist featured two whistleblowers: Dean Alberty, who used to work for Opening Lines and the Anatomic Gift Foundation (AGF), another firm that obtained organs from aborted babies (and later served as an informant for the pro-life group Life Dynamics); and Ross Capps, who also worked for AGF. Alberty revealed that "abortions were altered to get better tissue" – something that Planned Parenthood officials also admitted to in the Center for Medical Progress videos. He cited how a "clinic in Overland Park, Kansas normally did early abortions with a suction machine. But when the fetus was being donated....[a] special syringe was used – which experts say puts women through longer, more uncomfortable abortions."

Capps corroborated Alberty's account by confirming that "women donating fetuses were given different abortions,"

- See more at:

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