posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:05 PM
Okay, Wow allot of insight on this. Each of us has given a good position that we might take. Now, aside from the Movie aspect of this.. its goes back
to the question, Being aware that there is more then us in this world. Let's look at where tha major threats are in this world, I see presence, for
a reason that some have not seen. Is there a attempt to make it clear in a peaceful matter, but where not seeing this? Where is the Threat? Compared
to ourselfs? We have one chance to preserve this Planet, were failing right now, If that message alone stood for their reason for being here, we
might want to listen. Regarless of Religion and how it is written, as well as other concepts that come into this question. Sometimes the simple
question can be answered... mine would be, Look Up, if you don't see it now, continue to Look, you will see differently, or maybe not.