posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 12:52 AM
When I was a child, about 4 or 5, I would often fall asleep in my parents bed watching TV with my mother. When I woke up in my own bed the next
morning, I believed that Jesus put me there in the night. The truth was that my father carried me to bed when he was retiring for the night. My
parents were not overly religious. They were both educated in schools that taught and practiced the Christian religion, my mother's run by a nunnery.
They never went to church or forced us to though, as children and as a family. I am not sure where I got the notion that Jesus put me to bed or that
God and Jesus were real. We had religious friends of the family though. And I guess I just grew to believe through what I saw and experienced through
others, as a young, naive and innocent child does.
Throughout the years I never went to church, never prayed and never practiced religion. But I still held onto the concept of God and Jesus etc,
because its what I was lead to believe from a young age. It wasn't until my teens that I had a major shift in my thinking, where I learnt that belief
systems are just that, systems you are lead to believe. It's hard to put into words, but I just kind of woke up and realised that everything I was
lead to believe is possibly false, and that no matter how strong my faith was it could all possibly be all for nothing. I started researching into
alternative theories and explored many different avenues. Doing this opened my eyes to the fact that what people understand of their religion,
interpreted through a 2000 year old text, could very easily be explained another way. And that it is far more important to walk through your life with
an open mind, ready to consider more possible scenarios than close your eyes to all but one. It was a very important time for me. And after being lead
to believe one scenario by many people for many years, it only took myself to pull me out of that system of belief and open my eyes to many other
You should always trust in yourself.