I joined a few days ago and there is a goldmine of information available to members. As always you must wade through alot of the information and use
your own intelligent judgement and come to your own conclusions on many of the topics. Welcome aboard, this certainly will be a ride to remember. Rik
Welcome the both of you... This site is great but if you are here for anything more then reading and taking in new information prepare to argue if you
want to make a point...
Lady of the Lake, Well it appears you have gotten your feet wet, yes you have step into a lake of information here... I continue to loose allot of
sleep as a result of this site. Welcome!
hello there everyone!! just joined a few days ago but i've visiting this website for about a year now, and i just love it! and of course the fact
that there are other people out there who like to talk about a bigger picture in this world other than sex, cars or hunting-you just mundane things.
hey has anyone heard of a film called "the beast movie"?? want to know what you know...
Take some time to read the guidelines and rules of the forum and you should have no problems.There are tons of topics that you might be interested in,
dont be scared to speak your mind. With that said if you have any probs go to the board's questions and business topic and you should get assistance
if not contact a mod or admin
Hi to all new members. You've certainly come to the right place if you're looking for interesting things to read. I've been around for a few months
and I havent even yet scratched the surface.