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Obama In Kenya: Talks about Gay Rights

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posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: Bone75
a reply to: darkorange

And how he knows how horrible it is to be treated differently for being black in America... our PRESIDENT said this.

Still scratching my head over that one.

Have you actually seen a picture of our President? Even though he is biracial he looks black and if you think blacks are treated the same as whites in this country then you need to get out of your gated community.

As someone who is also biracial (white/black) I agree. People don't assume I'm white they assume I'm black. Or in some rare cases, Asian, but never white.

edit on 26-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
Have you actually seen a picture of our President? Even though he is biracial he looks black and if you think blacks are treated the same as whites in this country then you need to get out of your gated community.

Actually growing up in the projects we would've considered him a "redbone" or "high yella" (not that there's anything wrong with that). We're ALL treated differently by someone or another. That's life, and it'll never change.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: buster2010
Have you actually seen a picture of our President? Even though he is biracial he looks black and if you think blacks are treated the same as whites in this country then you need to get out of your gated community.

Actually growing up in the projects we would've considered him a "redbone" or "high yella" (not that there's anything wrong with that). We're ALL treated differently by someone or another. That's life, and it'll never change.

Which am I "redbone" or "high yella" or something else entirely?

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: JadeStar

Judging from your picture and your username I would've guessed Asian... or an alien because you're too beautiful to be a human. I'm half Apache and half Scottish, but I stopped trying to convince people that I'm a Native American long ago.

edit on 26-7-2015 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: darkorange

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: darkorange

originally posted by: Gryphon66
So ... what do we have?

Obama made public remarks in response to a question he was asked.

The usual right-wingers here are trying desperately to turn that into an international incident, embarrasing somehow to the people of Kenya.

According to the Kenyan President ... "no one cares" about gay rights in Kenya ... so ... who is it that is making a big deal about this non-issue?


those questions were planned. What else to ask him when he makes it sound like his greatest achievement?


Did you listen to or read any of the President's remarks? The interchange in question was probably about 1% of what the President said.

No/ Did he say anything about fighting AIDS or hunger and why it has not been done yet?


Worthy cause.

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: Bone75
a reply to: JadeStar

Judging from your picture and your username I would've guessed Asian... or an alien because you're too beautiful to be a human. I'm half Apache and half Scottish, but I stopped trying to convince people that I'm a Native American long ago.

Awwww thank you for the compliment!!!!!

Lol, you're the 2nd ATSer who thought I was asian this week. Not that there is anything wrong with that. i guess that its just interesting i can pass for multiple ethnicities. i've had latinas try to talk with me at the mall en Espanol and latino men hit on me in Spanish so i guess there's that too.

some guy once asked me "what are you? where did you come from?" i told him i'm american, born and raised in seattle and he said, "oh, you look exotic."


edit on 27-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
I love how the US should stay out of everyone else's business ... until it shouldn't, or until Obama doesn't and then it's OK for us not to respect their wishes.

Clearly, Kenya asked him ahead of time to leave the gay rights lectures at home. Does Obama go to ME countries and lecture them about gay rights or women's rights or religious tolerance and diversity? Were those part of the Iran deal? Clearly not or some of those prisoners wouldn't be in prison in Iran anymore.

Does he go to China and tell them to shut down their coal plants or clean up their air?

Does he go to Russia and lecture them on gay rights?

I really don't understand why you have to constantly jump on the "instant-partisan" bandwagon on every "right vs left" issue.

You have honestly made no point here whatsoever. I mean, read what you just wrote. What?

"Has he played croquet with Fidel Castro on the Moon?"

I'm sure that was your next line. It shares about the same symmetry.
edit on 31-7-2015 by DeadFoot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
President Obama is in Kenya and he gave a press conference with the President of Kenya.

Obama spoke of Gay Rights and apparently President Uhuru Kenyatta is not happy.

Obama must know that Kenya is not friendly towards gays.

In fact, according to the story, sodomy for one, is punishable with prison terms.


U.S. President Barack Obama’s first official visit to his father’s home country of Kenya was mostly a friendly diplomatic affair, including a dinner with extended family and a pledge to launch a new direct flight connecting citizens in both nations. But Obama’s disagreement with Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta on the issue of gay rights came to the forefront at a joint press conference at the Statehouse in Nairobi Saturday.

The presidential discussion highlighted the delicate challenge the U.S. faces in maintaining strong relations with foreign states that impose imprisonment and other harsh punishments on gay citizens, which the American government has called an abuse of human rights.

Obama In Kenya: Joint Press Conference With Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta Highlights Shared Values But Disparate Views On Gay Rights

Furthering the agenda, at all costs. "Gay Rights" isn't a movement filled with "love". On the contrary. This is why i have an extremely hard time "accepting" it.

If you "love" each other, what's the use of "pride"? If you "love" each other, why do you prance around in public, acting all kinds of foolish? You don't see heterosexuals "celebrating" their "love" for one another, all over the streets, buttnaked; doing all kinds of sadistic things, do you???

At this point, the whole "gay pride" thing is becoming a little too invasive. Intrusive! DISGUSTING.

Love doesn't scream: "Look at me! Look at me!!!!" LOVE IS

I'm tired of hearing how "special" these people think they are. They act as if they're above everyone else; everything else. They think their "love" needs to be recognized and should be accepted world wide.

Ok! You got your "rights". Now, fold up your flags. Pack up your bags. Go HOME and love your lover IN PRIVATE!

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: JuJuBee

Honestly? The "rubbing it in our faces!!?!
" argument? What is this, middle school in Tennessee?

But, I mean, how else are we supposed to get three men in a tub?

Rub a dub dub, silly. Get it together.

Tell me, which popular movie has a gay protagonist?

Gay sex scenes?

Now, hmmm, I wonder... How many have a heterosexual protagonist?

Heterosexual sex scene?

Geeze these straight people really need to stop pushing their agenda. They're even worse than "the gays"!

What is this topic about again? Oh yea, Obama saying that people shouldn't be thrown in prison for a couple decades for being gay. What an awful person he must be.

I feel like your time would be better spent spamming memes on a conservative-flooded forum with the rest of your friends.
edit on 31-7-2015 by DeadFoot because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-7-2015 by DeadFoot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: JuJuBee

Your ignorance is showing...

Furthering the agenda, at all costs. "Gay Rights" isn't a movement filled with "love". On the contrary. This is why i have an extremely hard time "accepting" it.

Ok, since you know, what is our Agenda? what is the GLBTQ+ Agenda? World Takeover? how abut equal Rights? how about protection from discrimination? how about stopping the deaths and murders of GLBTQ+ people all over the world?

If you "love" each other, what's the use of "pride"? If you "love" each other, why do you prance around in public, acting all kinds of foolish? You don't see heterosexuals "celebrating" their "love" for one another, all over the streets, buttnaked; doing all kinds of sadistic things, do you???

In a world full of people telling us we are 'Immoral" 'abominations' 'defects' 'Mental Illness' with the high rate of children being kicked out of their homes for being GLBtQ+, for the bullying, for the hateful attacks, yeah we are Proud to survive, we are proud to be who we are out in the open, we are not shameful of our Gender-Identity or our Sexual Orientation, and we refuse to hide it because it might make some Heterosexuals Uncomfortable

Have you ever been to a Pride parade? Pride events? 'Naked Satanic acts'? the hyperbole of that statement is actually laughable, Hey do you know of Mardi Gras, where Woman Flash Men for Beads....

Ok! You got your "rights". Now, fold up your flags. Pack up your bags. Go HOME and love your lover IN PRIVATE!


Sorry, not sorry. we are not going to be suppressed our Freedoms of Expression, or be shamed for being GLBTQ+

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

What's up with the "GLBTQ+"?

I really wish you guys and ISIS or ISIL or IS would all make up your minds. Its getting hard to keep up in my old age.

edit on 4-8-2015 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: Bone75

Really classy there.

I'm sure you didn't mean anything by putting the two in the same sentence.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Bone75
a reply to: Darth_Prime

What's up with the "GLBTQ+"?

I really wish you guys and ISIS or ISIL or IS would all make up your minds. Its getting hard to keep up in my old age.

When you have no arguments, always remember to make fallacious correlations between the way two acronyms keep changing -- lest you say something relevant or even borderline respectable in your old age.

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