posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:45 PM
Ruby was an acquaintance of George De Mohrenschildt, who was the closest friend that Oswald had. Ruby was also friendly with most of the Dallas Police
It wasn't uncommon for Ruby to pass out fliers at the station and buy the police free drinks at his strip club. His friendliness with the dept. is
the reason it wasn't weird for him to be in the garage when Oswald was being escorted.
Ruby actually went to kill Oswald a day or so before when they were going to transfer him the first time. the transfer didn't happen and Ruby gave
up. Went to the station to pass out fliers again and it just so happened that they were transferring Oswald and Ruby couldn't pass on his chance and
shot him.
I'm sure there's more to be found now on wiki or some other sites. But you posted this thread about 9 years ago now so there are definitely more