a reply to:
Sorry for the wall of text I just think that this is a VERY important topic and have allot to tell.
Mind control is a broad term so lets define it first.
The first definition
"1. Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing
them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs."
"Forcible indoctrination", most of the time you have a choice, you dont have to listen to the music and you dont have to believe the values that are
presented in the music. if you listen to music you wont automatically take on the values in it.
The second definition
"2. The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific
belief or motivation."
"concentrated means of persuasion" we see this in music allot. Repeating catchy lyrics that get stuck in your head. Its like advertizing. You see or
here a add over and over, the subconscious make associations with the product and the add.
"I'm lovin it" "diamonds are forever" "just do it" "have it your way" ect...
Lets say your at home watching tv and you see a commercial for a new cleaning product. The commercial has a woman cleaning windows, the window is
dirty, but when she wipes it, the sun shines threw and she can see her kids playing on a big suburban green lawn. The commercial is selling, clarity
and security not the product it self. Noticed its a woman cleaning not a man because they are targeting a population that buy's their product. The
next time you go to the store you need to buy window cleaner. You go to the cleaning aisle and see 7 different window cleaners. You dont want to read
all the labels, you want to grab and go so you can get home to your kids. More then likely you will pick the cleaner that sold you on clarity and
security because you have made a association with it. While the others have little or no association with the subconscious.
We have all experienced this some time in our life's. I remember when I was a kid I wanted Oreo brand oreo's. The store brand oreo's looked blan to
me because I had not see a commercial with creamy white cream filling flowing over the screen and faces of enjoyment when they bit down on the cookie.
When I finally got Oreo's I liked the store brand better but it took me a couple years to realize this.
It works the same way with music.
Its ridicules to think that powerful organizations would utilize the power of music.
Artist like lil wayne are known all over the globe. They have 100's of millions of listeners. They obviously advertize for, car, cloth and jewelry
company's. Not only are they advertizing material objects they are all so selling you their music within their music. They make lyrics that have
multiple meanings. For example a artist could write a song about bubble gum called bubble gum but its really about sex. They might make a lyric like
"bubble gum its so sticky its so sweet, give me a piece, I want a piece" but what they are really saying is, the song bubble gum is sweet the artist
is sweet and I want a piece of that artist. Ok so Im no song writer, a talented artist can speak to the subconscious mind just like they do in
advertizing. For more detain on how they can do this google nero linguistic programing.
Music literally puts you in a trance. It changes your brainwaves frequency, its scientifically proven. For more info about brain waves
One technique for putting some one in a trance sleep like state(hypnotize) is swinging a pendulum. Music has a constant beat just like the swinging
pendulum. Depending on the tempo of the music it can change your brainwave state from a waking conscious state "beta" to a sleep like state "Theta",
vice versa. When your in theta state your are more susceptible to being manipulated because its a sleep like state. You dont analyze like you would in
a beta state. TV puts you in a theta state threw its refresh rate.
Why would any organization want to utilize this kind of power???