a reply to:
I am one man. What do you think the chances are, that I would have sat in a jury dealing with related matters therefore?
Because, you see, I have sat on such a jury. The case involved a bipolar man, who was dragged to the ground, and had his face ground into the floor
of the custody suite at a police station. He was accused of assault because in his descent to the ground, this man had fallen against one officers
leg, disrupting the anterior cruciate ligament in the officers knee. Another officer, who was the one mashing the defendants face into the ground,
received a bite to his thumb, because for a full one minute and forty five seconds of the video, he had ignored strained pleas of "Get off my face!
Get off my face, I can't breathe! Get off my face!".
Of course, this will not have been reported as a case of police brutality, because the officers bought charges against the man over what amounts to
their self inflicted injuries. However, brutality it certainly was. They totally ignored the PACE guidelines on dealing with mentally ill offenders,
and worse, they had the custody sergeant lie about it, they had a WPC who happened to walk in on the scene, lie about it, through her teeth I might
Frankly, I do not think that our police service have a leg to stand on. By comparison to what happens in the rest of the world, well, that is one
thing... But you see, there is only one measure against which the suitability of our police service should be scrutinised, and that is the measure of
the expectations of British citizens. Whether our boys in blue shoot, beat, molest, and kill less people that constabularies of other nations does not
matter a damn to me as a citizen of these isles. The only measure of the success of the police forces of this country, is how happy the population are
with the service they receive, and while even a single innocent dies, while even a single person suffering mental disorders is abused in custody,
while even a single incident of child molestation goes without investigation, I will not be satisfied, the nation will not be satisfied.
We are the measure. The police fall short.