posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 04:31 PM
You know, I've now read the transcript of this secretly taped "pillow talk" between Hogan and Bubba the Love Sponge's wife (:meh
America's priorities are so skewed that it's insane. Hogan dropped n-bombs... allow me to break protocol and say "so flippin' what?" That doesn't
make someone a bad person. He basically is talking about his daughter and how he doesn't care who she's dating, black, white, or other, as long as
they're a good person. He didn't feel her then date was a good person. I'll go right ahead and say it is ridiculous that America has gone from open
usage of a word in mixed company to
any documented use of the same word being met with mock outrage and feigned shock in the course of 15
years. Fabricate self-righteousness much, do we?
Hogan's far from the pedestal he was placed on, but as far as I'm concerned, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the silly argument of whether he is
or isn't a racist.