Hey op you should update your front page with more info and articles. Sadly I don't know why this case isn't all over the MSM or even the front page
of ATS considering this case is very important and obvious police abuse.
The case is barely receiving any attention anywhere which I find odd considering how the media loves to pump up police killings. Instead the only
thing being discussed now is the legality of releasing police videos. Sonething has gone wrong when that is all being discussed instead of the murder
of an innocent man.
Not only are the cops guilty as hell but so are the prosecutors and judges who agree the cops did nothing wrong and held this footage from the public
for over 2 years. Just another fine example of law enforcement being way above the law.
This country needs a justice overhaul but the corruption runs so deep it'll never happen.
Depressing. It's one thing to have a gang member, psychopath or terrorist kill people, because you know justice very well might be served, more than
likely. The thing that really scares me about police brutality is they get away with it. In my eyes that makes it more dangerous than gang violence
and terrorism. These men simply don't care. Stuff like this is really really discouraging. It will tear this nation apart soon.
It's past time Americas come together, no matter what political views they have, to say enough is enough. America is going to implode from within if
these sorts of things don't stop. Add to that the jobs situation, the low wages, the unemployment, the so called "free trade" agreements sending jobs
offshore. From manufacturing to service to the STEM fields. America is on its way to being a second rate authoritarian hell hole. Full of prisons and
street level executions. Full of poverty stricken children and various other abandon human beings.
What appalls me the most is that the cops turn up, guns drawn, and do not make any attempt to talk to those people.
It's all, "Hands UP! Don't move..."
How about, "Hey guys, were you the ones who called us?"
That's what's wrong with the whole scenario.
If the cops don't get charged, the guy who trained them should.