posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 02:55 PM
originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: 321Go
Why does every UK political discussion have to end up as the same old story about benifits or immigrants?
The OP was about the lack of a true labour party at present and no real representation of the left as I understood it.
As there was no question (more of a narrative) I offered my narrative on the reason why Labour have lost their way – and are suffering from a lack
of leadership.
The people Labour is supposed to represent feels it has been let down by Labour and it offers no solutions to their problems – how else would you
explain two lost elections?
Socialists and the poor are declining in numbers, union membership is reducing (or was last time I looked), working people are determining their own
futures. Labour is losing its core membership. You have to be honest with yourselves when you consider if there is a future Prime Minister in the
current leadership contest. I say there isn't.