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Halfwit Harman, No Left Turn, And Predictable Outcomes

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posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: ClydeBuilt
I am pretty sure there is some statistical rule that states your likelihood to vote is inversely proportional by how much you would benefit by voting.
Single mothers, disabled, young people all less likely to vote and always the first to get shafted by the Torys.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: 321Go

Why does every UK political discussion have to end up as the same old story about benifits or immigrants?

The OP was about the lack of a true labour party at present and no real representation of the left as I understood it.

As there was no question (more of a narrative) I offered my narrative on the reason why Labour have lost their way – and are suffering from a lack of leadership.

The people Labour is supposed to represent feels it has been let down by Labour and it offers no solutions to their problems – how else would you explain two lost elections?

Socialists and the poor are declining in numbers, union membership is reducing (or was last time I looked), working people are determining their own futures. Labour is losing its core membership. You have to be honest with yourselves when you consider if there is a future Prime Minister in the current leadership contest. I say there isn't.

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