posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 10:50 AM
First, my thanks to MonkeyFishFrog for bringing this link to ATS and to my attention in another thread.
From the blog "Stuff That Needs To Be Said," by John Pavlovitz; this does indeed need to be said, and Mr. Pavlovitz says it beautifully.
6 Ways Christians Lost This Week
1) We lost the chance to be loving....
2) We lost the chance to be good neighbors.....
3) We lost the chance to be Good Samaritans.....
4) We lost the opportunity to show how big God is.....
5) We lost the chance to reflect Christ.....
6) We lost people.....
All of these "losses" are very eloquently expanded upon at the link, and the article in its entirety is well worth the read, as well as the comments
following the article.
For me, #4 speaks to me on the deepest level. God is so much bigger and better than this. Than us. Than what we are giviing Him credit for. God is
no respector of persons. He loves
each and every one of us -- His beloved children -- more than we will ever have the capacity to love; but
that is no excuse for the hate and vitriol which has dominated the national dialogue.
As for Jesus? The only begotten son of God, who ministered to the sinners, the downtrodden, the oppressed? Knowing how it hurts my own heart to see
my faith represented in such hateful and hurtful ways, I can only imagine how it hurts Jesus' heart to see His life and ministry reduced to this.
And yet, I also imagine that Jesus is also asking the Lord to forgive those who do so for they "know not what they do." But in the final analysis,
I cannot speak for God or Jesus; only myself. It matters not what Jesus can or will or should do. All I need to know is what Jesus wants me to do
and He made it very clear: To love one another.
This stuff should simply break our collective hearts.
All of us who claim Christ need to do some honest, invasive personal reflection.
Regardless of our feelings about the Supreme Court’s decision, it’s clear that Christians lost far more valuable things than a 5 to 4 vote this
week; things that we better fight like Hell to get back.
From his lips (or keyboard) to God's ears.