I have a really hard time understanding why people always start with the doomsday garbage every time there is natural disaster!? It's mind boggling
and silly! Not to mention never right
I hate to sound so nasty and snooty but every single time something happens this starts...it silly!
I remember when I was about 5 people coming to our house passing out papers to leave your homes and repent because the end was very near...there has
always been natural disasters and always will be....dang people! There has always been "wars and rumours of war"
Once again:
April 18, 1906------San Francisco-------8.3--------------------503
Aug. 16, 1906-----Chile-------------------8.6--------------------20,000
Dec. 16, 1920-----China------------------8.6--------------------100,000
Sept. 1, 1920------Japan-----------------8.3--------------------100,000
May 22, 1927------China-----------------8.3--------------------200,000
March 2, 1933-----Japan-----------------8.9--------------------2,990
Jan. 15, 1934------India------------------8.4--------------------10,700
Jan. 24, 1939------Chile------------------8.3--------------------28,000
May 21-30, 1960--Chile------------------9.5--------------------5,000
April 10, 1972------Iran-------------------7.1--------------------5,350
July 28, 1976-------China-----------------7.8 to 8.2------------242,000
Sept. 16, 1978-----Iran-------------------7.5 to 7.9------------15,000
Sept. 19, 1985-----Mexico----------------8.1--------------------9,500
June 21, 1990------Iran-------------------7.7--------------------35,000