posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 01:24 PM
originally posted by: DaRAGE
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE
It doesn't mean a crisis can't happen in september.
All I'm saying is that I see a trend year after year on ATS that there are a lot of predictions of doom for the month of september, etc.
Who am I to know when a crisis will happen?
I don't deny your experience or opinion, but personally I see these topics almost every week, just the theme varies, except for the earthquake ones,
they seem fairly persistent; some years its zombies, others its pandemics, comets and asteroids are also persistent, the antichrist, WWIII, alien
invasion, tsunamis.........
The common theme seems to be one of putting us into a fear state - maybe that is the purpose? After all our collective consciousness/unconsciousness
is powerful.
Maybe something wonderful will happen in September?
Wouldn't it be great if ATS had a positive dreams and predictions forum, the current one seems mostly to be doom, and people could predict or share
dreams of wonderful things that might happen to the human race?
I admit I was caught up in the Planet X thing a few years ago, not so much by what anyone was saying, but by observing the earth changes, upticks in
EQ's, volcanoes, fireballs, mass animal deaths, strange political happenings.......but I no longer believe we are headed for something bad.
I think something really amazing is coming.....though we may go through a little rough patch to get will be no doomsday, IMHO.