posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 08:08 PM
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —Mayor Kevin Johnson has filed a restraining order request against the city of Sacramento in an attempt to block the
release of emails that were sent while he was a member of the National Conference of Black Mayors...
Wasn't quite sure where this thread should belong, maybe it's more of a rant lol, but I've just been floored with the corruption in CA lately, not
to mention the fascist government forcing vaccines (that's a debate for another thread...which already exists...) Today we had former anti-gun
Senator Lee plea guilty to his charges of gun running and conspiracy, and now the mayor of Sacramento is filing a restraining order AGAINST HIS OWN
We pay some of the highest taxes in the nation, pay some of the highest prices for gas, food, electricity, etc., have the highest housing prices, and
yet our legislature is more corrupt than a third world communist regime. Anyone that's visited has seen our roadways full of potholes, our high
unemployment, rampant homelessness, and everything else just falling apart...and the sheeple here carry on...
To me it is just reason 1001 for 51, to push for the state of Jefferson, so that at least some of us can leave this mess.