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TV Land Pulls 'Dukes of Hazzard' Reruns

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posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 06:14 PM
Take it up with the Corporations. People shouldn't be afraid to speak their minds on issues just because corporations pay attention to social media. This didn't result from from an outcry of consumers.

"Shut-up or Wal-mart might react!".

Dear Corporate America and Main Street USA,

Please feel free to violate the public accommodation clauses in the contracts you sign with your towns, cities or states in order to obtain business licenses and refuse to business with gay people or anyone else we... er, you deem icky. But don't you dare stop selling things that I like.

Capitalist that doesn't understand business laws, the Constitution or the free market

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 06:42 PM
I think all this flag business is beyond ridiculous. The confederate flag has been around for over 150 years. So you mean up until a week ago no one had any problem with the flag? In a short week someone said they were offended by it, linked it something it had NO relation to, and the world blindly jumped on the PC bandwagon to denounce the flag. It all seems very fishy, strange and wrong. When this all started I looked up the history of the confederate flag, because in all honesty I didn't know much about it. In my 40 years I just associated it with the South and rednecks. Some things I read said it was associated with slavery but here is one quote from

"It is necessary to disclaim any connection of these flags to neo-nazis, red-necks, skin-heads and the like. These groups have adopted this flag and desecrated it by their acts. They have no right to use this flag - it is a flag of honor, designed by the confederacy as a banner representing state's rights and still revered by the South. In fact, under attack, it still flies over the South Carolina capitol building. The South denies any relation to these hate groups and denies them the right to use the flags of the confederacy for any purpose. The crimes committed by these groups under the stolen banner of the confederacy only exacerbate the lies which link the secession to slavery interests when, from a Southerner's view, the cause was state's rights".

I'd also like to say that racism isn't passed down and carried on through inanimate objects, it taught and learned by people. Banning a flag won't stop stupid hate filled people from killing.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 07:31 PM
Far left political action groups have the Media as their air cover, the Judicial system as their artillery and the corporations as their goose stepping marching armies that fall into step.

Community organized just for you.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Liquesence

PC is the NEW cancer!

Fahrenheit 451?

When can we commence burning books?

Grats to the Progressive movement where EVERYTHING is offensive?

A lot of people, myself included, have been screaming this very thing for YEARS.

Political Correctness is the bane of society.

I will say what I want, when I want to, and if I say something that offends someone else, IMO that person needs thicker skin and stop being such a whiner.

This comes from someone who was bullied as a kid, it took me a longtime to figure out that words are only offensive or hurtful if I let them be. It's all up to me. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self that! LOL

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

and the corporations as their goose stepping marching armies that fall into step.

Keep them on a leash we said...

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:19 PM
I like the Dukes of Hazzard. I used to watch it every chance I got. I have to be honest, I do not care one way or the other about the confederate flag. If you want to fly it , fine. If you do not want to fly it, fine. The sheer amount of things that I am supposed to be outraged at because some liberals think so is exhausting. I know I am Black and this is supposed to be that, and that is supposed to be this, but I just want to chill-out. My wife and I both agree that we have more important stuff to worry about than who is flying a piece cloth with colours configured in a certain fashion.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:28 PM

we all agree that slavery was wrong and shouldn't have existed, but
a reply to: Nucleardoom

There is no buts about it. Stop trying to justify the souths shamefull and atrocious slave practice.

If you think slaverly is wrong than admit it was good thing someone kicked the souths ass.

Going in and kicking the souths ass was the only way to knock that throwback slave holding ideology out of their heads.

This is not about Lincoln or the north. It is about the south fighting a futile war to cling on to a clearly wrong and outdated ideology.

You can call the civil war a "fairytale" all you want but it did happen. The south was shamed and utterly defeated.
edit on 2-7-2015 by alphastrike101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 09:06 PM
I am soooo tired of this PC crap!!! Just more division tactics. When will people start to see these tactics for what they are? I agree with the op. We don't need government to censor ANYTHING for us. We the people are more than capable!!!
a reply to: Liquesence

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:01 PM
I just searched eBay to try and buy a Conf flag. They will probably be worth a pretty penny in some decades and a cool thing to pass on.

Couldn't find any.... They are all gone.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:09 PM
What's ridiculous is that the Confederate Flag on the General Lee was NOT a symbol of Racism, it was a symbol of defying authority.

Anyone who is so uptight that they have a problem with the General Lee needs to lighten up a bit.

I can highly recommend watching a few episodes of "Dukes of Hazzard" to learn how to lighten up.

What's next? They'll have an issue with the Red Stripe on the side of the A-Team van, or the white stripe on the side of the Starsky and Hutch car?

I hear that several networks have already banned "Gone with The Wind". They had better ban ANY movie about the civil war then. Those "Man with No Name" movies with Clint Eastwood heavily featured the Confederate flag.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: TheLegend
I just searched eBay to try and buy a Conf flag. They will probably be worth a pretty penny in some decades and a cool thing to pass on.

Couldn't find any.... They are all gone.

eBay and Amazon have both removed them. Maybe kijiji ?

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: Liquesence

Well, since that was about the only thing I bothered watching, ever, on their stupid, time-offset channel, TV Land can bite me.

I could see a company making a lot of money selling Confederate flag car stickers, and more on the awesome Dixie horn! Think I might find me a flag online and fly it, just to annoy the PC nutjobs.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: alphastrike101
They literally had slaves.. you do realize that right?
The south defined oppression.

It is just a simple fact that they got their ass kicked.
They all died for nothing.NOTHING.

Any way you look at it the confederation was shamed and utterly defeated.

You apparently don't realize that there was slave owners in the North, right? Oh, wait, you conveniently forgot that. Simple fact is, Lincoln didn't even care about freeing the slaves. He simply wanted to force the Southern states back into the union, for control. As for your attitude, kiss my grits.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

originally posted by: alphastrike101
They literally had slaves.. you do realize that right?
The south defined oppression.

It is just a simple fact that they got their ass kicked.
They all died for nothing.NOTHING.

Any way you look at it the confederation was shamed and utterly defeated.

You apparently don't realize that there was slave owners in the North, right? Oh, wait, you conveniently forgot that. Simple fact is, Lincoln didn't even care about freeing the slaves. He simply wanted to force the Southern states back into the union, for control. As for your attitude, kiss my grits.

So slave owners in one place justify slave owners in another. That is essentially what you are saying. You should stop trying to justify slavery.
Clearly the south had no intention of freeing their slaves. The civil war started because of uncompromising ideologies between the free and slave states. It was a good thing that the south got their ass kicked because as a result of their utter defeat and crippling reconstruction the stage was set for the 13th amendment and it was ratified in 1865.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: Liquesence
This is crap! I used to watch that show as a kid all the time. Really?! Show me one episode where it showed racial bias/conotations and crossed the line. (No pun intended for the Mason - Dixie line)

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: TinfoilTP

and the corporations as their goose stepping marching armies that fall into step.

Keep them on a leash we said...

No, these corporations are just too easily manipulated because they will take the path of more money, like banning the General Lee.

Remember Sony? Classic case of corporate blackmail. Their emails were stolen proving embarrassing content from two bit unimportant employees. Then all of a sudden their product is under the likes of the Al Sharptons of the world as super censorship czars for all of eternity, imbedded into their company to ensure their version of PC is put forth, or else it will cost them money. Why not just fire the idiots who hurt the company's image, why did the PC police get put into corporate offices?

It can be speculated that the corporate owners of the Media were blackmailed at some point in the same way. Simple strong arm tactics that the Mafia were famous for. There is no place to turn to, the courts will not rule against this far left agenda until the courts change, which requires the executive branch to change and even then it would take years. The Media reported on the Sony incident to strike the fear of not God, but the fear of losing the almighty dollar into all the corporations. It was like leaving the horses head on all the other corporations pillows. They got the message and the General Lee gets censored out of American culture without a fight, what's next?

This is full on blame Obama mode, because it is real and it is happening before everyone's eyes under his watch.
Oh, and they are using the race card in all of this, every step of the way, without shame.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: KnightFire

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: Another_Nut

Maybe they can just CGI a new flag on the roof?

I guess with the new flag they will put Caitlyn Jenner laying across the top of the General Lee instead of Daisy. Might as well take crazy all the way to the extreme.

Broke back duke............Instead of car jumps they can do dance routines.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
Why didn't the Sheriff just go to their ranch and arrest them, why bother chasing them around in a car? It's not like they don't have a home they go back to..

Dude. '69 Charger:

Nuff said. MOPAR RULES.

Car of my dreams..................but with classic Cragars and some Mickey Thompsons. Has to have a 383 mag though.......that was one tough motor.
On topic I never really watched the show. I have always thought one chooses to be offended.
edit on 3-7-2015 by Tarzan the apeman. because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: intrepid Times they are a changing.................fag used to be a cigarette or a bundle of sticks like on the led zep album cover.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

So what you're saying is that corporations should not have the ability to make decisions on which products they sell because they are vulnerable to the opinions of the public?

Or should they be barred from monitoring social media so that they can't try to get ahead of trends?
edit on 7/3/2015 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

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