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The American Hyena?

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posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 02:40 PM
That's really interesting, TheTengriist. I don't have any zoological background so I assumed mating between the species was unlikely but feasible. I never really imagined they would be so far apart in relation, but it makes sense. In Southwest Florida, there was a zoo that controversially bred lions with tigers which I think also fed into my assumptions. Thanks for clarifying!

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: PreHerStoria
That's really interesting, TheTengriist. I don't have any zoological background so I assumed mating between the species was unlikely but feasible. I never really imagined they would be so far apart in relation, but it makes sense. In Southwest Florida, there was a zoo that controversially bred lions with tigers which I think also fed into my assumptions. Thanks for clarifying!

Yes, some species are more separated then we can think ( Evolution is strange.)

Anyway, the Hiena kinda reminds me of the Chupa-cabras.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Si, es la Chupa Cabre hombre...
edit on 3-7-2015 by coldkidc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 04:40 PM
Interesting ...

It meminds me of the 18th Century Tale of

Beast of Gévaudan

Which Some think It may of been an Hyena and Some Claimed a Lion that either escaped from a Zoo or
Owned by a Royal ...

Ironically France was a Land that Had European Lions , Hyenas , Rhinos ..

all extinct to the area 10,000 years ago..

I seen the Old Photo and the Taxidermist ...

it has the legs and Feet of a Wolf , Ears Like a Wolf , Not a hyena

The Snout & Neck Length in the OLD Photo Does Look Unusual..

and from that I can see why it would be considered resembling Hyena

it should be checked Out The DNA .. if that even possible ..

What it Does look like to me from the Description of the old 1880s Photo

is the Appearance of a DIRE WOLF of what a Dire Wolf May Look Like in Concepts to Museum Displays

The Dire Wolf Project

Dire Northen Wolf / Dire Southern Wolf

Resemblance of a Dire Wolf

The Old Photo

The Beast

edit on 62015SaturdayfAmerica/Chicago7184 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 62015SaturdayfAmerica/Chicago7184 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 62015SaturdayfAmerica/Chicago7184 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Wolfenz
Interesting ...

It meminds me of the 18th Century Tale of

Beast of Gévaudan

Which Some think It may of been an Hyena and Some Claimed a Lion that either escaped from a Zoo or
Owned by a Royal ...

Ironically France was a Land that Had European Lions , Hyenas , Rhinos ..

all extinct to the area 10,000 years ago..

I seen the Old Photo and the Taxidermist ...

it has the legs and Feet of a Wolf , Ears Like a Wolf , Not a hyena

The Snout & Neck Length in the OLD Photo Does Look Unusual..

and from that I can see why it would be considered resembling Hyena

it should be checked Out The DNA .. if that even possible ..

What it Does look like to me from the Description of the old 1880s Photo

is the Appearance of a DIRE WOLF of what a Dire Wolf May Look Like in Concepts to Museum Displays

The Dire Wolf Project

Dire Northen Wolf / Dire Southern Wolf

Resemblance of a Dire Wolf

The Old Photo

The Beast

if i remined, the Beast of geaduvan was in fact, an american Hiena (they found it's remainings i believe.) But it was not an extinct species of Hiena. It would b extremely unlikely that they could take American Hienas to Europe on voyages.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

if i remined, the Beast of geaduvan was in fact, an american Hiena (they found it's remainings i believe.) But it was not an extinct species of Hiena. It would b extremely unlikely that they could take American Hienas to Europe on voyages.

There isnt a known Hyena in Presnt Day ... there was from the last Ice age .. 10,000+ years ago..

In America ...

The Hyena legend ...

Shunka Warakin

An animal shot in 1886 by Israel Ammon Hutchins on what is now the Sun Ranch in Montana[2] has been suggested by Coleman as an example of this mysterious creature. Joseph Sherwood, a taxidermist, acquired it from Hutchins, mounted it, and put it on display in his combination general store-museum in Henry's Lake, Idaho. Sherwood named the beast "Ringdocus". This stuffed trophy, the only piece of physical evidence, was never examined by qualified scientists and went missing for some time, before it was rediscovered in December 2007.[3]

has a Uncanny similar Description of what this Thread is all about

So Thererfore This beast the so called American Hyena

is called Shunka Warakin iun Native American Folklore..

The Beast of Beast of geaduvan

Appearance as told from the Survivors .. Did look like a Hyena and the Same Description Markings as a Spotted Hyena or a Big Cat ... and a Long Haired Ridge Maine along the middle of its Back Like a Boar Would have

But the Only thing here in the NEW World I can Think of is the Maned Wolf which isn't a wolf but it own Class of Species .. like a Hyena as its own Class ...


posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: TheTengriist
a reply to: bhornbuckle75

There are a lot of hurdles to that.

1) Physiologically-speaking, the organs involves are just incompatable. especially if we're talking male wolf + female hyena. I'll spare the details, but... yeah, that's not happening.

2) even if it were to occur, hyenas and wolves are no more closely-related than cows are to deer. They have (vaguely) similar body plans because they both fill the same niche - pack predator that chases down its prey. But beyond the same (vague) silhouette, they're on very different branches of carnivora, and even on the weird chance that sperm meets egg, it would be a dud.

3) getting there is a real struggle. Hyenas and wolves are incredibly different, behaviorally-speaking. In many ways they are exact opposites, particularly in tail and ear communications. The vocalizations are of course incredibly different. And the sexual social dynamics... well... again sparing too many details, let's just say there's no chance in hell.

It's just two very incompatible species.

Yeah, that was the general idea I got from my quick Google search. I couldn't find a really reliable source that said it was completely impossible from a genetic level (of Google search was quite quick). I quickly found that the idea was extremely unlikely at best.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Wolfenz
a reply to: Frocharocha

if i remined, the Beast of geaduvan was in fact, an american Hiena (they found it's remainings i believe.) But it was not an extinct species of Hiena. It would b extremely unlikely that they could take American Hienas to Europe on voyages.

There isnt a known Hyena in Presnt Day ... there was from the last Ice age .. 10,000+ years ago..

In America ...

The Hyena legend ...

Shunka Warakin

An animal shot in 1886 by Israel Ammon Hutchins on what is now the Sun Ranch in Montana[2] has been suggested by Coleman as an example of this mysterious creature. Joseph Sherwood, a taxidermist, acquired it from Hutchins, mounted it, and put it on display in his combination general store-museum in Henry's Lake, Idaho. Sherwood named the beast "Ringdocus". This stuffed trophy, the only piece of physical evidence, was never examined by qualified scientists and went missing for some time, before it was rediscovered in December 2007.[3]

has a Uncanny similar Description of what this Thread is all about

So Thererfore This beast the so called American Hyena

is called Shunka Warakin iun Native American Folklore..

The Beast of Beast of geaduvan

Appearance as told from the Survivors .. Did look like a Hyena and the Same Description Markings as a Spotted Hyena or a Big Cat ... and a Long Haired Ridge Maine along the middle of its Back Like a Boar Would have

But the Only thing here in the NEW World I can Think of is the Maned Wolf which isn't a wolf but it own Class of Species .. like a Hyena as its own Class ...


I misleaded. I should have written "African Hiena." Apparently, the dude who killed the Hiena was the owner of the Hiena. he used it to kill it's victims and later killed his own Hiena with a silver bullet to become a Hero.

The guy was a bastard.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 11:34 AM
Yeah, I'd read extensively about the Beast of Gevaudan years ago but a lot of my memory of it is hazy. A side of me had always hoped it was an African hyena but it was hard to imagine one having the courage to actively hunt people without a pack. I suppose that's where the training from its owner would have come in. I can't remember what conclusion I reached on the beast (it's been at least 8 years since I explored the topic).

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: PreHerStoria
Yeah, I'd read extensively about the Beast of Gevaudan years ago but a lot of my memory of it is hazy. A side of me had always hoped it was an African hyena but it was hard to imagine one having the courage to actively hunt people without a pack. I suppose that's where the training from its owner would have come in. I can't remember what conclusion I reached on the beast (it's been at least 8 years since I explored the topic).

Spot on Usually hunt with a Pack but rarely a Lone Hyena

and the mass killings it caused ...

it the Reason why some think it was a Leopard or Lion from a escaped zoo yet no one claim anything was missing

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 12:15 PM
Yeah, I'd believe it was a big cat..if a rogue hyena was desperate enough, it may have attacked too. I guess it's possible that a zookeeper wouldn't want to be held accountable for any deaths if his animal had escaped.

posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: PreHerStoria

This is interesting because while there have been no recent sightings I have heard stories of people swearing they say a hyena in parts of Alberta, Though all I can find on google is references to newspaper articles

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:24 AM
I don't know about whether there is a species of Hyena we haven't really discovered yet or if it's some sort of hybrid, but I do know there are African Hyenas that have been seen in some areas of Texas. Multiple game cameras have captured pictures of them over the years and some hunters claimed to have seen them while out on a hunt.

No idea how they could have gotten there, maybe pets that were released. Escaped from a sanctuary possibly. Maybe wandered up from across the border from Mexico? No idea what the regulations are on exotic animals there or if there even are any. I wouldn't be surprised if some people purposely release animals that aren't native to here in some areas of the country.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 03:47 PM
Could this be the Chupacabra creature people see in Texas and other states?

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

I was under the impression that those specimens were actually mange-stricken coyotes.

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