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originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: ketsuko
Don't forget that Springfield is in over 80% of the states in the country
originally posted by: croatianguy
I can understand when they mention a small town, then the Flint, Michigan. But why say "I'm from LA, California or Chicago, Illinois?" Do some people in US not actually know which state LA or Chicago might be in?
originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
originally posted by: mikeone718
You and the OP, I'm from the Bronx, New York - didn't even take two minutes
You have to tell him that because if you said you were from the Boogie Down he would be very confused.
originally posted by: badgerprints
I spent several years in the middle east. Most of that in Iraq.
People asked me,"Are you an American?"
I would reply,"No, I'm a Texan."
This would get a smile nearly every time.
In my experience, most Americans would rather identify with their home state than identify themselves as a representative of the US federal government. The federal government does not represent the states or the citizens.
originally posted by: justchilling
a reply to: Reverbs
sorry North Carolina, Aussies have the best bbq
They where all born on hot stove.. good god is the one thing they are the best at.. you can’t have that one mattie..
originally posted by: Hidinout
If I'm talking to somebody or people who only live in the USA, I just say I am near Seattle. That's all I have to say.
But anywhere else in the world I'll just say Washington State, I have to include state, because I have had people think I live in Washington DC and then I have to explain there is a state named Washington and it is nowhere near Washington DC.