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Crop Circles ,Star Avatars ,brigding the micro to the macro.

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posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 03:51 PM
Only for the open minded.take a moment don't quit b4 reading up to the first photo.
Lets assume for a moment that 99% of crop circles are done by Pranksters with some 'stomping boards a few ropes and lots of free time.

Now the other 1% unexplained circles have to be done by some entity:govt,philosophical aliens,inter dimensionals,gods,God,Lucifer....our children from the future,nature,the universemultiverse.

lets assume we disregard all the the guys we could catch in the act..that leaves us the Inter dimensional and the unimulti-verse.Now we suppose that the multiverse has an organizing principle.we call this principle ZERO TIME.(ZT)

We also assume that this ZT is responsible for the creation of universerealities and imbuing the residents of such with creativity and intelligence.

so small time=>realities,and small time is derived from ZT.

next we say Form is Function n vice versa.
under this law ZT is the the original--BIG sun) the small times are the stars such as in our universe.

Suppose two or more small times need to exchange information with each other a part of the unraveling process of (ZT).

The small timesstars realize that the PITCH in their musictime language are an alternate method agreeable to many small times is invented they call it Gravity Language.A super language.

Now gravity is made up of symbols--alphabets called spaces... short lengthsdivisions of small time.
Any word written in gravity alphabet is called an Energy.more than two gravity words--> energies.

Now the gravity wordsenergies can be arranged in different configurations to make a sentence otherwise called Reality.

So We have realities which make easier for ZT xpress itself fluidly and without bound.
You can see it is not possible to reconstruct ZT from a SINGLE reality.All realities have to be merged to create ZT.

Some realities such as stars,black holes have invented smaller realities which can encode Gravity words into shorter length words called Dark Energy.They figure that it will be more effective to reconstruct ZT using dark energy.

Entities that use the Dark language are called Darkons(Star Avatars).They can index the entire literature of ZT as far as it has unraveled and will continue to do so until ZT stops unraveling.

Most importantly darkons will continue to share the accumulated vocabulary across realities.
Towards the achievement of this objective here is a page or two from the Darkons Grimore.

i'll translate a few of them ...
Helicity of magnetic fields in 3d.

mobius magnetic field configuration maybe used to explaining magnet reconnection, ballistic charge particle transport within small plasma volume.

Fractal antenna----reduce length of long wavelength antennas,application in metamaterial production--invisibilty cloaks,energy harvesting through nanotech fractal design...

Braiding of magnetic fieldsplasma flows to increasedecrease flux density,could be applied in fusion research,antigravity drives--heim lorentz,possibly also in medical research as molecular scissor..

sunspot as magnetron cavities..

Maraldi angle,19.5 degree.

think about that 1%.....whoever made these two whether its the black ops paradigm shifters or pranksters you really got me.i wouldn't mind hearing what you motivation was esp for the last one.

edit on 29-6-2015 by fr33coll3ct1v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 04:09 PM
Sorry, I couldn't get through it all but I do love me some crop circles and have always considered them a physical manifestation of a (our) collective consciousness.

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 04:13 PM
I do not have a clue about the origins of these amazing designs...but I cannot, and will not, believe such intricate, beautiful, awesome manifestations were made by a bunch of guys with boards and ropes.

How could it be possible, overnight, with no one in the area the wiser?


posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 04:27 PM
There is info around that say crop circles have been around for centuries and that fact would point to ET origin, kinda reminds me of the the 3D plans in the movie 'Contact'

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: manuelram16
There is info around that say crop circles have been around for centuries and that fact would point to ET origin, kinda reminds me of the the 3D plans in the movie 'Contact'

You just sparked my interest. I wonder how far the records go back. I'm gonna do some research and see what I can find. I love the movie "Contact".

Some of these designs are just too damn complex for anyone to have done them over night.
edit on 29-6-2015 by RealTruthSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: fr33coll3ct1v3

Very interesting thread FreeCollective - great crop circle photos - I ALSO think they couldn't all just be clever people - some of them are so complex and on huge scales. I know that many happen in the UK as well - perhaps MOST of them even! I live in the States but they are also reported over here fairly frequently. The Star Avatars read was tough for me, probably because of my learning disability but I will try to re-read a few times - great thread though. Thanks for sharing - S & F

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 07:09 PM
ever watched a series called Andromeda .. i mean the star in the series.they are intelligent 'children' of stars very old too n powerful.

i think that soon a pattern will be found relating to how stars from diff spectral classes(HR-star categorization) are 'born' and in what regions of space-time they can appear.

i think some of the crop circles detail the dispersion of stars within the universe we can see

reading about stars is fun.white,brown dwarfs,flare stars,supernova remnants,nebulae...i especially like pulsars because they 'sing'.

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: fr33coll3ct1v3

I think it's likely they are created by a black project satellite with high energy microwave weaponry.

The crop circles are yearly calibrations of this weapon. The irony is Its so secretive yet they test it right in our faces.

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 10:56 PM
Just because its claimed that crop circles appear overnight doesn't make it so.The more complex ones could have been done over a couple of nights.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 02:55 PM
"beware the bearers of false gifts..." (remember that one?)


the pic titled fractal antenna corresponds with the supposed voyager probe message..
(seems like we were meant to find that one..?)

most of that other stuff is just too mathtastic for me, but i'm noticing some interesting similarities to these scatter patterns coming out of cern & similar outfits

those high-energy satellites were also mentioned in an old article called "endgame"
(insert free plug for the orange mobile phone company here)


"..there is still good out there"

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
Just because its claimed that crop circles appear overnight doesn't make it so.The more complex ones could have been done over a couple of nights.

You're absolutely right. In fact, most of the larger, more elaborate ones are done over a couple nights, including at least one of the ones in the OP. If one looks hard enough, you can even find pictures of them taken during the different 'stages' of completion. Of course, that's not nearly as sensational, so most sites just tend to ignore that fact...

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Jansy
I do not have a clue about the origins of these amazing designs...but I cannot, and will not, believe such intricate, beautiful, awesome manifestations were made by a bunch of guys with boards and ropes.

How could it be possible, overnight, with no one in the area the wiser?


Nice way of putting down the greatness of humankind. You know, the sheer fact that you can't believe such intricate, beautiful, awesome manifestations were made by a bunch of guys with boards and ropes should tell you how awesome people can be. You know, if you can't do it, doesn't mean no one else can do it. I mean, you can't do a 2 meter backflip with a kick in mid-air, but some other people can... Doesn't mean they're aliens though.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 03:21 PM
What if some of these crop circles are made by us while we sleep? You know that beginning sleep stage where you are in between wake and deep sleep. During that period i think we have active energy balls that come together collectively to produce knowledge in the form of symbols.
If you know of Edgar caycee, he use to travel in that period of sleep stage and report what he saw. What if he was travelling as a ball/ sphere of energy when he did

I think collective unconscious mind/energy balls/spheres travel and do things collectively or independently during that stage of sleep.

Just a thought of how these difficult crop circles could be made.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: Texcin

That, or, you know....Guys with boards.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Texcin
actually you might be right.long before i even knew the internet existed...a young kid at school used to say some 'misty' creatures with yellow eyes were abducting him at suspended for two weeks for being an 'attention seeker' and telling 'scary stories'.
i did sit down with him to enquire\talk about 'his dreams' .i remember he mentioned that the 'creatures' would take him to wheat fields --large wheat fields(rare where i come from)and they would start rolling the wheat in strange patterns all over the place he even tried to scribble some of them on the table under the shed where student rested after football matches e.t.c.also they spoke to him in strange language n their writing was strange too.

that was about 16 years ago...and knowing the boy firsthand i doubt he was 'seeking attention'.
poor thing, he became withdrawn n depressed later on.he had to change schools couple of times.

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