a reply to:
It's really hard to put a accurate % on how much it does but to think it doesn't would be foolish . Just as a few examples "
100,000 March in London - Media Covers It Up
Here’s how the media works: as thousands march against austerity, the BBC focuses instead on new-age rituals Author of the article below, rellying
on a Guardian estimate says 50 thousand people marched in London. Other estimates vary between 70 and 150 thousand and the organizers have said the
number was 250 thousand. - That’s in London alone, there were also demonstrations in Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol and elsewhere across Britain.
This article originally appeared atOff Guardian
Greenwald: Putin's 'Trolls' Are No Match for UK's Internet Manipulation Program
NSA files published by Greenwald expose unit within British intelligence that plants stories, sets up bogus sites and plants comments on the Internet
in a far more systematic way than anything the Russians are accused of. It has become almost an article of faith in the Western media — especially
the British media — that the Russian government (or “Putin”) employs a huge troll army to plant pro-Russian and pro-Putin stories on the
'Russian Aggression' - CBS Provides a Perfect Example of Imperial Disinformation
For CBS history began yesterday when Russia conducted military drills in its border areas thus justifying a massive NATO build up in Eastern Europe
The part where the US before that conducted its own drills and helped install an anti-Russian government in its key neighbor Ukraine never happened
Everything—and I mean that literally—everything in this item filed by CBS This Morning on 6.23.15 (below), is false. The object is, as usual, to
sell the almost completely clueless and habitually semi-indifferent American public the idea that Russia is the new Nazi Germany, with Putin as the
new Fuhrer, rampaging across Europe and grabbing, insatiably, one hapless nation after another in his march toward the conquest of the…whole Free
'We Just Publish the Position of the British Government' - Sunday Times on Snowden
That’s journalism for you nowadays - just publish the official line of your government as fact. Evidence? Who needs evidence
The prominent front-page story was titled: ‘British spies betrayed to Russians and Chinese; Missions aborted to prevent spies being killed’. It
sounded like an exciting plot for a James Bond film. And the first line was suitably dramatic:
‘Russia and China have cracked the top-secret cache of files stolen by the fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden, forcing MI6 to pull agents out
of live operations in hostile countries, according to senior officials in Downing Street, the Home Office and the security services.’ (our
What followed was a series of assertions from faceless sources, backed by zero evidence and outright falsehoods. Watch this short interview
russia-insider.com... ‘The interview is quite
extraordinary because it makes absolutely clear that not only was this entire dubious story based solely on claims made anonymously by government
officials, the reporters who regurgitated the claims did not even seek to question the veracity of the information. They just credulously accepted the
allegations and then printed them unquestioningly. That really is the definition of stenography journalism — it’s shameful.’
And last but not least it can be understood in this piece .The West’s Moral Panic Behind The Threat Of Radical Islam
By Scott Burchill
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