posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 07:58 PM
Just watched another segment on Sandy Island. It was first charted in 1774. Was shown on maps all through the 1800's. In 2012 Australian scientists
got there only to find nothing! It is said it was then removed from Google maps. On other sites it appears(d) as a blackened or blacked out sea.
I just checked it out. Put in Sandy Island on Google Maps. It showed up with a yellow outline. I then zoomed in until the line disappeared. Google
Maps shows under water terrain all over the globe. What I saw, under where the yellow outline was, is a feature that looks just like the island, same
dimensions and all.
I don't know what to make of it other than it's there. There are many theories on it and I haven't a clue as to what it really means, but it is
curious. No island on top of water but the feature is there, under the ocean.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.