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The History of the Red Haired Race

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posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Flinx
Have you people been reading the Area 51 novels by Robert Doherty? The ancient masters of mandkind, the Airlia, were tall and had red hair.

But anyway, I don't like talk of how people with certain features are desendents of a superior alien races. Besides being fairly unscientific, it stinks of racism. So are the peope who don't have red hair or blue eyes, the plain humans, inferior to those that do?

And why is it that it's always the caucasians or europeans that have the features of a superior alien race? Why is it always light hair and light eyes? It's always the northern europenas and celts too. You never hear anyone talking about dark skin and dark hair being traits of a lost superior race (aka, better). This stuff is too Thule Society for me.

Sooo right! Because scientists know the opposite is true! Dark skin is superior to light skin biologically. It protects vs the sun. It protects vs sunburn. What is sunburn? It means the sun is killing you!. Find a way to stop it or else you'll get burned alive by the sun.
It protects vs skin cancer. What is skin cancer? Death! The skin on you dies. It starts to kill your other cells. Your skin kills you!

If someone with dark skin mates with someone with light skin, the offspring have 75% chance of having dark skin. Dark skin dominates light skin.

Same with blue eyes. Blue eyes are dominated by black eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, and all other colors except non-colors (albino is most recessive gene of all.)

Some social scientist needed an ego boost. They put out that light skin is best. Blue eyes are best. Hitler was just trying to find a way to unite people under him. He studied ways to do this. Hitler studied with dark skin, black skinned, people in Tibet. Its where he got the idea for the swastika from. Talk to anyone who is from India, or is in the Hindu religion. Ask them about the swastika symbol. It's over 5,000 years old. Many temples in Tibet, and India are covered in it. Hitler knew someone with blue eyes and blonde hair had the same blood as someone with dark skin and black eyes. Later on he started importing Scandinavians to command his armies. Even though German wasn't their first language. This helped increase the decline of German forces.

"My skin color will be dominated if I mate with that woman or man over there? Noooo!". "My eye color will be dominated if I mate with that brown eyed man or woman over there? Noooo!".

posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 07:56 PM
Look people, there is only ONE race, the human race and were in it together whether we like it or not. If we could all just agree on that one little point then we could start shipping food to our brothers and sisters in Africa, Tsunami relief to the east, old folk relief for the worlds old folk...etc, etc, etc

I know someones going to bring up the aliens so just to clarify matters i'm talking about humanity here.

Love and light to each of you,


posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Knightmare
true nephilim, (giants referred to as caveman, etc..) were the direct descendants of the fallen angels-- some call them annukai?

Tribes such as Titans, cannites, etc..

Hitler knew the true aryan super race were red hair, blue eyes, but as someone stated above, red hair has trickled down thru the ages, it doesn't apply to people now that they are superior.

Someone mentioned Celts,, Irish legend has it that the Viking invaders had ships that flew thru the air. hmmm

Ancient people believed in the divine right of kings, and these offspring of the fallen ones, since sumeria , ruled over various people & cultures.

Why do you think many people instinctly have a sort of built in distrust, fear, or in some cases attribute red hair to a superior status.

No, Nephilim were not decendants of fallen Angels. No where in the Bible does it says this. Some priests, clergy, in their own words say this, even though the Bible never does.

Luke 20:35-36

Angels DON'T marry. Since they don't marry then they don't have sex. Since they don't have sex, they don't reproduce. They are a-sexual. Need more angles? Ask God or Yahweh or YWH to make more.

The Nephilim are the result of Sons of God coming to earth and having sex with Earthers. Who else is called a Son of God? Adam is called a Son of God. Does this mean Adam is an Angel?

Genesis 6:4
Luke 3:38

The Nephilim are other creations of God. From another planet, or solar system, or galaxy? Who knows. Another planet for sure. Other civilizations called them the Annunaki. The Bible shows proof they're from another planet and came to Earth in spaceships. Who survived the 2nd flood? Noah and who else? Ham, Shem, Jeptath, and 4 women who were their wives. Right? The Bible later on says others also survived. Many others. The Nephilim survived! They jumped into their spaceships and orbited the Earth while waiting out the flood.

Numbers 13:33
Genesis 6:4
"... Nephilim in the Earth in those days and afterwards.
Joshua 13:12
Deuteronomy 3:11
The size of the bed of one of these beings from another planet. It comes out to him being 60 feet tall! Goliah was a baby, or young boy, who was decendant of Nephilim. His height comes to being 20 feet tall.

Need a giant to make offspring who are giants.

[edit on 26-12-2004 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012

No, Nephilim were not decendants of fallen Angels. No where in the Bible does it says this. Some priests, clergy, in their own words say this, even though the Bible never does.

Luke 20:35-36

Angels DON'T marry. Since they don't marry then they don't have sex. Since they don't have sex, they don't reproduce. They are a-sexual. Need more angles? Ask God or Yahweh or YWH to make more.

The Nephilim are the result of Sons of God coming to earth and having sex with Earthers. Who else is called a Son of God? Adam is called a Son of God. Does this mean Adam is an Angel?

Does a fallen angel suffer the same limitations of an angel?

[edit on 27-12-2004 by merka]

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012

Sooo right! Because scientists know the opposite is true! Dark skin is superior to light skin biologically. It protects vs the sun. It protects vs sunburn. What is sunburn? It means the sun is killing you!. Find a way to stop it or else you'll get burned alive by the sun.
It protects vs skin cancer. What is skin cancer? Death! The skin on you dies. It starts to kill your other cells. Your skin kills you!

Come on now, no skin color is superior to another they have just adapted to the enviroment they live in. Light skin absorbs vitamen D better and this is good for people who live in the north and don't get much sunlight. Dark skin acts as sun screen for people who live in hot climates where they get a lot of sunlight with high UV strengths. Both traits have developed for a purpose and one is not more "superior" than the other.

[edit on 27-12-2004 by Trent]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:21 AM
To add fuel to the fire, I have been researching an ancient people who have blue skin. A prime example is the "Blue people of Troublesome Creek". Interestingly my research has found that in the Ancient world, Blue skinned people were considered gods, the vast majority of these have red hair. I know the Norse have a legend about a group of Giants who were located on an Island in the clouds, they had blue skin and red hair. They were thought to be decendants from gods from the sky. I don't know if this is related, but it is interesting.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:44 AM
seems related to indigo children

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:45 AM
I have red hair, my wife has red hair, (so of course our daughter has red hair, no ohter possible outcome) and I'm 6'6" tall and weigh 280 lbs (very out of shape)

so am I a red headed giant ? that would be cool, after all that teasing I took in grade school.....

I was always told by my norwegian grandmother, who had red-hair, the vikings had the red hair first and spread it around europe, which I think is more plausible an explanation, imo

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:49 AM
Black haired brown eyed race - Asians, arabs, blacks, indians
blonde haired blue eyed race - north europeans
red haired blue eyed race - north western eruopeans
Brown haired brown eyed race - Southern europeans

4 Races on earth

Most inteligent race and cilivsised ? red haired or the blonde race?
Most aggressive, uncivilsed race? black haired and brown eyed race...Into barbarism, ritual scarfaice, beheadings of human's,american indians and arabs.

I would saybrown eyed race are mix with black haired race.

Nothern people are descentants of the gods. Pure breads. Unlikey the italian, spainish, french, greeks who are half god like.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 06:21 AM
"Race" is a catch-all term that's known so many meanings throughout history that it's pointless to try to apply it in any practical sense. Apparently now we've decided that melanin levels are indicative of a whole host of genetic traits. This line of reasoning makes perfect sense of course, as long as you're not bothered by little things like "culture," "geography," or "science."

Thinker, I'd be interested in knowing what specifically constitutes "barbarism" and "aggression." Specifically, I'd be interested in knowing what the Native Americans and Arabs did that the Europeans didn't. I think if you look back at European history, human sacrifice, genocide, and large-scale warfare are every bit as persistent there as anywhere else -- even recently. Frankly I'd rather live in Dubai than Moscow.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Thinker

Most inteligent race and cilivsised ? red haired or the blonde race?
Most aggressive, uncivilsed race? black haired and brown eyed race...Into barbarism, ritual scarfaice, beheadings of human's,american indians and arabs.

What a bunch of BS

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 08:08 AM
That was an ironic joke wasn't it Thinker.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 02:03 PM
LOL! Interesting topic! I have reddish blonde hair!
Also, I hope stinker thinker was joking! On a survival level of the human species, the more melanin produced the better which makes darker skin better which is why it's dominent and always dominates the lighter shades. Darker skin ages slower and has less sun damage than lighter skin as one ages. When in a harsh climate or under hot sun, lighter skin will turn darker to survive(tan), dark skin never turns lighter to survive, not even in cold climates! Darker skin can produce all kinds of shades like someone mentioned when all dark skinned people mate, over time you still end up naturally with the various other eye color and skin colors. Darker skinned people are the majority on the planet, there are more people with various shades of brown -black skin. I would be very afraid for the human race if there were more lighter skinned people than people of color. If something happened to the planet and the sun became hotter, the darker skinned people would survive the longest and ensure the survival of humanity, if something happend where the earth became cold with very little sun, the darker skinned and lighter skinned people would survive equally as well. Dark skin can survive and adapt to any climate whereas lighter skin is very vulneralbe in harsh climates. Dark or light skin doesn't mean supiriority or better, it's all about survival of the human race.

There is no such thing as race there's only the human race, humans with different skin colors and eye colors are all one race. Hair color doesn't make up a race, hair color is one trait among many traits. Interesting how most aliens have no hair at all! LOL!

[edit on 1/1/2005 by Leading Lady]

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Leading Lady
When in a harsh climate or under hot sun, lighter skin will turn darker to survive(tan), dark skin never turns lighter to survive, not even in cold climates!

Well it doesn't over a short period of time and can't be observed in our life time like tanning can but does that mean it didn't happen? If so did white people always have white skin? Or did their skin become lighter so it was better suited to the environment over generations. This article explains why this may be the case, but if you disagree i would like to hear your reasoning behind why people have different skin colors.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Trent

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012

Sooo right! Because scientists know the opposite is true! Dark skin is superior to light skin biologically. It protects vs the sun. It protects vs sunburn. What is sunburn? It means the sun is killing you!. Find a way to stop it or else you'll get burned alive by the sun.
It protects vs skin cancer. What is skin cancer? Death! The skin on you dies. It starts to kill your other cells. Your skin kills you!

Come on now, no skin color is superior to another they have just adapted to the enviroment they live in. Light skin absorbs vitamen D better and this is good for people who live in the north and don't get much sunlight. Dark skin acts as sun screen for people who live in hot climates where they get a lot of sunlight with high UV strengths. Both traits have developed for a purpose and one is not more "superior" than the other.

[edit on 27-12-2004 by Trent]

*ahem* Actually, yes, dark skin IS superior to light skin.
Imagine a scale starting from 12noon to 12 midnight. With 12 noon being the darkest skin possible (sooo dark they look purple.) 12am midnight being the lightest skin possible (before being Albino.)(sooo light they look grey.) The idea is labeling people to how much sun protection their skin biologically gives them.

Example of this scale in use:

- Tom Cruise has 8pm skin.
- Nicole Kidman has 10:30pm skin.
- Charles Barkely has 3pm skin.
- Shaquelle ONeil has 1pm skin.
- Colin Powel has 6pm skin.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Trent

Originally posted by Leading Lady
When in a harsh climate or under hot sun, lighter skin will turn darker to survive(tan), dark skin never turns lighter to survive, not even in cold climates!

Well it doesn't over a short period of time and can't be observed in our life time like tanning can but does that mean it didn't happen? If so did white people always have white skin? Or did their skin become lighter so it was better suited to the environment over generations. This article explains why this may be the case, but if you disagree i would like to hear your reasoning behind why people have different skin colors.

That article is junk and garbage. Here's why!
Same subject was talked about years ago. Why do black Americans suffer from heart disease more than white Americans? Guess what! Look at "blacks" in other countries - Asia, India, Middle East, Africa, Jamaica, even in other European countries - guess what? They don't die as much as black Americans do from heart disease.

Black Americans suffer from heart disease sooo much because of the insane stress they're under. The majority of them live in horrible enviorments. (More black Americans are in jail than college!). More black Americans live in the hell hole "projects" than white Americans. It's about politics, and society, and lifestyle, and enviorment, NOT about biology.

A person with dark skin pigmentation may need 20 to 30 times as much exposure to ultraviolet radiation as a white-skinned person in order to generate the same quantities of vitamin D in their bodies. It is the skin organ, after all, that produces this critical nutrient for your body,

That ill researched article FAILS to mention that the majority of black Americans also eat a poor diet. Fast food, processed food. Even the "home cooked food" is bad - outdated food slaves were forced to eat, like chitlins (pig intestine), pig feet, and other glop.

and yet virtually all Americans are chronically deficient in vitamin D.

Here the article blows its ownself up. It defeates its ownself! It goes from saying black Americans are deficient in vitamin D, to saying ALL Americans are deficiant!

As a result of all of this, black Americans suffer from skyrocketing rates of the diseases related to chronic vitamin D deficiency

The title of the article claims black Americans suffer from many diseases. And are in need of many medicines to combat their suffering. The article is about ONE issue - vitamin D deficiency! There are no "many diseases" black Americans are suffering from based only on their darker skin.

1. All Black Americans need to do is eat a proper diet. Fish, beans, Milk. Or go with Soy Milk (it's BETTER than cow milk.) Goat Milk is next best. There's also Rice Milk. And milk products - cheese, on and on. Eat a proper diet! Reason junk food is called "junk food". It's junk! It's poisonious!
NOTICE how the majority of organic food stores, are in good neighbourhoods? "White" neighbourhoods? More choices for the health concious "whites" to choose from to eat.

2. Exercise. It's what makes a healthy heart. Not taking medicines (all have at least 1 side effect.) Get into running. First walk 1 block. Build up. Until can walk 1-4 miles. Then run 1 block. Build up until can run 1-4 miles.

3. Get out of stressful hellhole enviorments. Stay out of prison. Don't get trapped and stuck in the projects. Or if already in, get out and stay outta there! Go after education, in school, study at libary. Never lose sight of the goal!

[edit on 1-1-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 11:02 PM
Ok but you failed to answer the only question I'm really interested in. If dark skin is superior to pale skin in all climate zones and all cases than why do people have pale skin? Do you think northern European/Asian people always had pale skin? If they didn't always have pale skin what cased the change if not environmental conditions? You actually missed the point i was making with that article which was this quote.

Think about it for a minute: if you map the skin color of human ancestors around the world, you will find an undeniable correlation between skin pigmentation and geographic relationship with the equator. The only exception to this is the Eleusian or Eskimo populations who, of course, got plenty of vitamin D through the regular consumption of fish oils, and thus did not need a skin pigmentation adaptation in order to survive.

[edit on 1-1-2005 by Trent]

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Trent

Originally posted by Leading Lady
When in a harsh climate or under hot sun, lighter skin will turn darker to survive(tan), dark skin never turns lighter to survive, not even in cold climates!

Well it doesn't over a short period of time and can't be observed in our life time like tanning can but does that mean it didn't happen? If so did white people always have white skin? Or did their skin become lighter so it was better suited to the environment over generations. This article explains why this may be the case, but if you disagree i would like to hear your reasoning behind why people have different skin colors.

Hmmm... I'm not sure what you're asking, but I will read the article.
Tanning is the body's way of fighting against the rays of the sun, building up a defense against the rays of the sun. As long as the person stays under hot sun, their skin will stay tanned, we can see that today. It's how the body survives. But you are right, the skin doesn't become genetically darker till after a few generations which is why those with lighter skin can only survive a short while in a harsh hot climate if the planet changed and the sun got hotter. Those with genetically dark skin would survive the longest because they wouldn't have to wait for the melanin to become genetic over a few generations, theirs is already genetic.

As far as why the skin got lighter gradually, I think it was the absence of the harsh hot sun environment and the part of the body that produces dark melanin became weaker like a muscle that's not used. Then eventually it became a genetic trait. Hmmm... did whites always have white skin? I think humanity probably started out with darker skin then through mating habits and humanity spreading out and getting farther north away from the hot sun, and adapting to the environments, you get the different skin colors.
That's my answer off hand, I will read your article.

[edit on 1/2/2005 by Leading Lady]

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Trent
Ok but you failed to answer the only question I'm really interested in. If dark skin is superior to pale skin in all climate zones and all cases than why do people have pale skin? Do you think northern European/Asian people always had pale skin? If they didn't always have pale skin what cased the change if not environmental conditions? You actually missed the point i was making with that article which was this quote.

Think about it for a minute: if you map the skin color of human ancestors around the world, you will find an undeniable correlation between skin pigmentation and geographic relationship with the equator. The only exception to this is the Eleusian or Eskimo populations who, of course, got plenty of vitamin D through the regular consumption of fish oils, and thus did not need a skin pigmentation adaptation in order to survive.

[edit on 1-1-2005 by Trent]

The skin became lighter because a muscle or thing in the body not used will become weaker. Without the sun stimulating the body to produce melanin the melanin producing thing in the body grows weaker. The sunlight stimulates the survival thing in the body and says make melanin. With less sunlight, there's less stimulation and the pigment maker gets weaker.

As far as vitamin D, that can be gotten from many other sources besides sunlight, so the body would not need to try to get lighter to absorb more sunlight, all the person needs is vitamin D from food. Babies get that at birth when they nurse from the mothers. If that article had any truth to it, then black Americans would gradually get lighter like the opposite of tanning for the body to absorb more sunlight! LOL! No darker people ever come to a colder climate and start getting a reverse tan! LOL! Lighter skin is not necesary for survival, vitamin D can come from many different sources.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 02:08 AM
I think humanity probably started out with darker skin then through mating habits and humanity spreading out and getting farther north away from the hot sun, and adapting to the environments, you get the different skin colors.

Yes this i agree with.

The skin became lighter because a muscle or thing in the body not used will become weaker. Without the sun stimulating the body to produce melanin the melanin producing thing in the body grows weaker. The sunlight stimulates the survival thing in the body and says make melanin. With less sunlight, there's less stimulation and the pigment maker gets weaker.

You used the anology that the process is like a muscle that isnt used, but this goes against everything we know about genetics. Your genetic code does not change at any point in your life, if someone does weights all their life and has huge muscles they would still have the same genetic code as they would have if they never did weights at all. They would not pass on huge muscles to their children. The only reason a trait such as this would form is because pale skinned people survived better in their given environment and dark skinned people survived better in theirs so those with these traits thrived in their respective climate. Foods that are rich in Vitamen D are very available today and most people have reasonably well balanced diets but that doesn't mean this was always the case, in fact you don't have to go back far in history to see that it wasn't.

[edit on 2-1-2005 by Trent]

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