posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 03:50 PM
I know a serial killer, who is still on the run.
He didn't use any hints from TV to kill those four young women and a baby, instead, he used the tactics of real killers who were caught, and became
infamous of what they have done in reality.
The TV is not a guideline for those who build up a systemathical way of crime, they usually bring new elements into keeping fear to a community. But
they do learn from each other, because they "trust" that work of art from another criminal. Usually all crimes contain useful solutions to any
murderer, a vast scale of hints to get away. According to criminalpsychology, those are always the best crimes, when the victims are kept right near
the killer. This way he can be sure, that nobody will ever find them (by accident), and if any person (eg: family member) is searching for the victim,
he/she will surely disappear, and nobody will ever search for him/her.
These are called perfect crime. Still, there is a potential target: the behaviour of the killer, which can hold valueable clues to start any
investigation . Those people who killed someone and got away with it, behave completely differently and can be targeted for a thorough investigation.
Unfortunately most investigators are searching for raw evidence, and that's why many killers can get away with their work of art so easily.