posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 07:23 PM
Your very close to having an astral projection. Your body is in a trance state. When your body is in a trance you hear very weird things, people
yelling your name, people saying random things,random sounds, digital sounds, etc.
Most people get scared when they experience trance and it causes them to be stuck in their body. If you relax and let the whooshing sound intensify,
and allow your consciousness to flow into the whooshing sound you will have an OBE.
I have had over 500 OBE's and can almost do it at will. It helps to eat healthy and meditate daily. Eating healthy really increases my chances of
astral projecting.
Anyway, you will hear all kinds of weird things when in the trance state right before having an OBE. The main thing is, do not be afraid, any fear
will completely hold you back from popping out of body. I have had so many experiences where I thought my physical body or head was vibrating and
thumping so violently that i thought I was dying. I would snap myself out of the trance and get out of bed to find that everything was ok and it was
only my astral body/soul/consciousness, call it what you will, that was loosening or being super charged with some kind of energy. Anyway I've never
been physically hurt in anyway. I'm always fine and wish i had taken it further.
Another thing you will come to realize is that your mind is in complete control of everything. In those realms of consciousness what you think is
what you get. If your afraid, something bad will happen to scare you more, if your confident and happy, you will have a great experience. Feelings
dictate your OBE.
So don't be afraid of "negative" entities, or people who tell you its dangerous and demons will get you, it is only your mind creating these beings or
situations, if you find yourself being attacked, it is your mind creating that. You have the power to say, I'm in control of the complete situation,
the thing attacking you will disappear or run away.
So do not be afraid. Relax into the whooshing sound, (btw, i think this your consciousness hearing your bloodflow), disassociate from your physical
body completely, make a mental thought to float up out of your body, or sit or roll or whatever feels the best.
Congrats your on the verge of a very mind blowing experience, it was for me anyway.