posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 10:10 AM
originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
Everyone is commenting on how it's ridiculous because if the world is destroyed money will be useless. Read the article if you just skimmed the pics,
tho I agree the pics are the real fun part to scroll through, but it says space is limited so families are to buy NOW as well as pay their portion of
the yearly upkeep WHILE IT SITS VACANT so IF disaster strikes it will still be ready to go at moments notice. I don't think they mean euros or dollar
bills will be currency down there. There won't BE an economy down there everything is taken care of and it's temporary, lasting" years" the article
says alluding to the fact either the surface will be ready again after the smoke clears or...I dunno I guess if the surface is still uninhabitable
after a hundred years and things run out I guess they are in the second largest tomb on earth (Paris catacombs are 600 miles of tunnels and burial
chambers) and for sure the snazziestly furnished tomb.
Thats why I said, since a bunch of average joes have been hired to maintain the facility and they know EXACTLY how to keep it working, why would they
allow a few hundred billionaires, without ANY of the skills need to keep it running, to enter the building, after an event? Quite simply put, the
billionaire tenants are dead weight. You'd think the staff would fill it with their own families and friends, shutting out the billionaires. How
exactly would a billionaire tenant gain entry and take over control, if the people that know how it works decide to lock them out? They can't, so I
would argue this is a highly risky investment for them. Also, shouldn't they be worried that after a year or so in the facility, being run by other
people, that the billionaire tenant would eventually be deemed the servant? After all, they don't know how anything on the site works can can't fix
it, so wouldn't they be at the mercy of those that do, eventually becoming the "servants" by default. This also doesn't take into account the
possibility of local law enforcement or military commandeering the facility after an event.
This site looks pretty complex, so it definitely has a full staff of facilities maintenance personnel, to keep it running after the event and to
maintain it until the event happens. The only way I can imagine preventing a revolt of the "facilities staff" is that the "owners" are constantly
rotating the staff and hiding staff identities during rotations, to keep "incumbents" from having to much knowledge/power of how the whole thing
edit on 17-6-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)