posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 09:44 PM
originally posted by: SlickMcFavorite
that the earth has every created.
Too bad you are making this assumption, it will hold you back for as long as you clutch to it. Humankind is not really the product of natural
evolution. Do you really adhere to darwinism?? The theory of evolution is the result of one thing, blind ignorant arrogance. There are enough
materials on the net - admitting that you can escape the trap of blind skepticism and endless distracting debates before being too conditioned to
think to react - to draw a clear global picture of the real history and origins of humans and existence itself. That is to say that humans are of
alien origins and not the product of natural evolution but of interventions by higher sentient beings and that is why they dont seem to fit anywhere
on Earth but even this is fixable with some conditions..And you should really consider reviewing all you think you know of history because chances are
that most of what you learnt at school even universities is skewed at best. History of humankind goes far further than mere thousands of years. Think
in hundreds of millions. A history more rich in everything than this current failed civilization will ever be.