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What Day is Today?

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posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 09:51 AM
I have always found our ability as humans to "keep time" fascinating. The origins of the days, months and what year it really is are very interesting if you are into learning about our past and how we got to now!

"Before today’s Gregorian calendar was adopted, the older Julian calendar was used. It was admirably close to the actual length of the year, as it turns out, but the Julian calendar was not so perfect that it didn’t slowly shift off track over the following centuries. But, hundreds of years later, monks were the only ones with any free time for scholarly pursuits – and they were discouraged from thinking about the matter of "secular time" for any reason beyond figuring out when to observe Easter. In the Middle Ages, the study of the measure of time was first viewed as prying too deeply into God’s own affairs – and later thought of as a lowly, mechanical study, unworthy of serious contemplation.

As a result, it wasn’t until 1582, by which time Caesar’s calendar had drifted a full 10 days off course, that Pope Gregory XIII (1502 - 1585) finally reformed the Julian calendar. Ironically, by the time the Catholic church buckled under the weight of the scientific reasoning that pointed out the error, it had lost much of its power to implement the fix. Protestant tract writers responded to Gregory’s calendar by calling him the "Roman Antichrist" and claiming that its real purpose was to keep true Christians from worshiping on the correct days. The "new" calendar, as we know it today, was not adopted uniformly across Europe until well into the 18th century."

The Calendar Convertor link below is a fun tool! Type in any date in the Gregorian Calendar and see what day it is in multiple other calendars.

What Day is Today-

Calendar Converter-


Named after the Roman god of beginnings and endings Janus (the month Januarius).

The name comes either from the old-Italian god Februus or else from februa, signifying the festivals of purification celebrated in Rome during this month.

This is the first month of the Roman year. It is named after the Roman god of war, Mars.

Called Aprilis, from aperire, "to open". Possible because it is the month in which the buds begin to open.

The third month of the Roman calendar. The name probably comes from Maiesta, the Roman goddess of honor and reverence.

The fourth month was named in honor of Juno. However, the name might also come from iuniores (young men; juniors) as opposed to maiores (grown men; majors) for May, the two months being dedicated to young and old men.

It was the month in which Julius Caesar was born, and named Julius in his honor in 44 BCE, the year of his assassination. Also called Quintilis (fifth month).

Originally this month was called Sextilis (from sextus, "six"), but the name was later changed in honor of the first of the Roman emperors, Augustus (because several fortunate events of his life occurred during this month).

The name comes from septem, "seven".

The name comes from octo, "eight"

The name comes from novem, "nine".

The name comes from decem, "ten".


Sunday - ME sun(nen)day, OE sunnandaeg, translation of Latin dies Solis, "Day of the Sun"
Monday - ME mone(n)day, OE mondaeg, translation of Latin Lunae dies, "Day of the Moon"
Tuesday - ME tewesday, OE tiwesdaeg, OHG ziestac, Day of the war god Tiw, translation of the Latin dies Martis, "Day of Mars"
Wednesday - ME Wednesdai, OE wednesdaeg, mutated version of Wodnesdaeg, Woden's day, compare with Dutch Woensdag, Danish onsdag, translation of Latin Mercuru dies, Day of Mercury
Thursday - ME OE Thursdaeg from Norse Thursdagr, "Thor's day", Germanic translation of Latin dies Jovis.
Friday - ME OE Frigedaeg, "Freya's day"
Saturday - ME Saturdai, OE Saternesdaeg, partial translation of Latin Saturni dies, "Saturn's day

ME = Middle English
OE = Old English
OF = Old French
OHG = Old High German

Have Fun!
edit on 6/8/2015 by Illumin because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/8/2015 by Illumin because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/8/2015 by Illumin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Illumin

So, what day is today???

Interesting post!


posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Ultralight
So, what day is today???

The first day of the rest of your life.

So make it count.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

lol so profound.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:24 AM
What day is it?


What time is it? Its right now. Later it will still be now. Here we are.

"Keeping" time is for busy, goal oriented people that need earnings to pay all the bills they have to maintain the busy life style they need all that money for.

Time to get up, time to go to work, time to pay bills…

Before clock towers it used to be day time, night time, morning, noon and night. Time to go, meal time, time for bed.

Once the controllers got us to buy into breaking time into hours minutes and seconds they insisted everyone show up on time.

Because thats the way it is, how we were raised, because everyone is doing it. How well are you conditioned to accept this?

Sounding Pavlov's bell…

edit on 8-6-2015 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: corvuscorrax

lol so profound.

I am well known for my deep thou....

...ooooh, look, a birdie!.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I cannot applaud you for originality as I have heard that one for 53 years now.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Deep in thought, short on focus?

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Ultralight

Huh? Did you say something?

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Who me???

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 09:36 PM
Today is now, now is now, all their is or ever will be is now.
So be here now. The past is a shadow, the future the unknown.
Know your true self and there will be nothing unknown and nothing will be kept from you, but only added to you.
Meditate fully for the answer sincerely in and study yoga and advanced deep god centred meditation, seek a teacher.
a reply to: Illumin

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: Illumin

Today is the day you worried about...yesterday.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Illumin

I thought I commented on your post earlier, but nevermind, it's still relevant. The magical ten days added when the Gregorian calendar was introduced are not the only missing days left by the former calendrical systems, they only account for difference between agreed principles in the algorithms making them tick. Had they made account for all the missing days in history, we would be off by months and years, perhaps even centuries if we go waaay back. Back in the day it was common to use a lunar calendar of 29 days, with two fortnights and an extra day that wasn't counted, 14+1+14, so that the holidays were always kept on the same weekday and for easier counting, and stuff wasn't really standardised before Pope Gregory made his magic. Some of this is reflected in the Christian way of calculating Easter.

The member BelieverPRIEST has been out looking for the lost days that turn up when counting metonic 19-year cycles parallel to historic dates etc. and official calendars. I bet that when the first time machines come rolling out of their factories one of the first common problems will not be technical or physical kinds, but figuring out exactly when in history certain events happened even though we have plenty timestamps and dating references. And history as such will be unrecognisable since it has always been written by the winners of wars while high on all that breeds the highness. And where the losers were blotted out or dreaded down into mucky sod.

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