posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 05:52 AM
Yes, I'd like to know more about this one. Hopefully once a few more measurements have been taken they'll be more certain one way or the other.
It's funny how I play the Lotto with jackpot odds of 14,000,000:1, but I'm thinking 300:1? - not much chance of it hitting then.
That sounds like a pretty big object to be landing in your garden. It might not be big enough to be catastrophic' but it'll to do nothing for house
prices in the target area.
Incdentally, I think that the information on where this would hit would get out. 20 years is enough time to plan for the event. If Bruce Willis is too
old to go up there and deal with it himself, we could at least evacuate the impact site inplenty of time.
Also, I don't think any one Government agency has enough control to keep something like this secret.