posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:16 PM
originally posted by: BennyHavensOh
a reply to: spirit_horse
I agree with you. This might be coincided with a Fall financial crash (they always happen in Fall don't the) and perhaps the forces are planned to be
peacekeeping rather than oppressive. And it is a Shemitah year to boot.
Well, that is very interesting. I didn't know about the Shemitah year till now. And JH ends Sept. 15th, and the Elul 29 is Sept. 13th. Even if it
ushers it in, I think they want to have people prepared and in place when the next crash which will really bring people to their knees happens. I mean
what do you think people will do when they find out the banks have done much worse that the last crash and the US taxpayers are on the line for
Quadrillions of derivatives? The Globalists/bankers may want to take all the property throwing American's out on the street when they can't pay. I
could see catastrophic loss of life over something like that.
I always wondered why the elite started building all these bunkers back around 2012. I mean they never responded to prophecy before, so why then.
Perhaps it wasn't that they were preparing for. Something where the world's financial system would crash would no doubt lead to war and probably WWIII
by countries demanding wealth be stripped from countries and people alike. The seed vaults and all the preparations indicate a preparation for global
catastrophe. I know about the Apophis meteor impact in the Pacific in 2036 and that it will fly under the communication satellites in 2029. NASA says
the latest research it won't hit, but I saw an astrophysicist say it would hit some 500 miles West of California in the Pacific. Could be older
tracking data, but if it is coming under the comm satellites, it would not take much for something to alter it's orbit just a little bit to cause
either a 2029 0r 2036 impact if they can't come up with an intervention. That sure would clear up the population problem. Anyway, just something to
pay attention to.
Regardless, the financial system is smoke and mirrors and is going to fail catastrophically imho. I am a Realtor now and just the other day I heard an
ad for no-doc loans. I kid you not, I couldn't believe they are up to their same old tricks and probably think after Cyprus (taking from the citizens
savings accounts) that they will just take whatever they need to bail themselves out. This time, I think there won't be enough to take no matter what.
People that are so desperate will be a huge issue. I can see how interment and resettlement could happen and why they would need those kind of folks
in the ranks. Whatever happens, I don't think the collapse is too far off. I suspect they did bail outs and kept the system going because they were
not prepared to deal with the citizens at that time. Look at the riots in Europe and those populations are not armed to the teeth. In the US it would
be another matter altogether.
edit on 9/6/15 by spirit_horse because: typos